
Responses from gdnrbob

Use of a super tweeter worth the investement ?
YMMV, would be my first thought. Much depends on what you are currently using and the room it is playing in. I am sure others will offer pro/con opinions.   My 2 cents... I would put my money on a speaker that 'speaks' to you, before spending... 
China built tube amps
@falconquest , Looking at some of the prices for the amps you listed, I see they are well north of $2500. How much power do you need? bob  
XLR cables for component connections, or from preamp to powered subwoofer
IF your equipment utilizes the official balanced wiring scheme (AES47), balanced cables should exhibit little coloration, so there shouldn't be much difference between brands. I got some inexpensive cables from Ralph Karsten. I think they were Mo... 
China built tube amps
@runwell makes a good point. I wouldn't be as pessimistic as your dealer. Though they aren't built as well as an American brand, they do offer quite a bit for the dollar. I went through the same tube lust phase, and ended up with Atmasphere prod... 
Butcher Block Acoustics - What have they been up to?
@erik_squires , Yes, that is about what it took to get my platform.- Custom cut, too. Pretty quick especially during the Holidays. B  
Butcher Block Acoustics - What have they been up to?
They just made me a new platform for my amps last month. Perhaps a call or email would be the best way of finding out what is going on. B  
Advice needed on power cables, wall warts, conditioning, electrical outlet
@tuberist , +1. Even cheepo hospital grade outlets are better than stock. As far as changing out power cables, start with Source components first and work your way down.- Advice from John Rutan (Audioconnection). Bob  
What are you tweaking this weekend?
I just got an Innuos Reclocker for my Innuos streamer. It seems to be money well spent, so far. Bob  
Townshend Pods - How many do I actually need per component for max effectiveness?
@goose  HRS is a company I have been thinking of using. Good to know that their products might be equivalent to Townshend. Did you ever try removing Pods and Footers to hear the difference? B  
More Current Single Ended Interconnect Cables Closest To AudioQuest Niagara's?
I would call Alasdair at AQ and ask him what would be equivalent to the Niagra's. You can also PM or call John Rutan (audioconnection). FWIW, the newer AQ cables offer even better sound quality. B  
dCS Bartok DAC - Interesting Video Review
Thanks, I was thinking of getting one of those. B  
Anyone move up from Innuos Zen Mini to Zenith ?
I own both the Zen Mini with LPS, and the Zenith. The Zenith is definitely more resolving than the Mini. I am debating about moving to the Statement. In the mean time, I just scored a used Phoenix USB, so I will see how that affects sound reprod... 
Townshend Pods - How many do I actually need per component for max effectiveness?
Well, they sell the pods in boxes of 4, so that is the quantity I use. And, if you require more weight, why not add it to the top of the component. HRS makes plates to dampen chassis/cabinets. So, I don't see why you couldn't put a barbell weigh... 
Servicing Used Aurender Products Purchased 2nd Hand
The repaired a N100 without asking if was purchased new (and it wasn't). So, I would have no qualms.  Also, their prices weren't too bad. Bob  
Anybody here listen to Mahler?
@tuberist , I, too, had a hard time with Mahler in the beginning. My 2 cents: Start with the First Symphony-Way too many good recordings, so you have no problem finding a good one. For vocal, I found Das Lied von de Erde, to be an easy listen-...