
Responses from gdnrbob

Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT
+1 for the Treo's. I have listened to the Sabrina's. They're nice, but for the money, you'll get more from Vandersteen. And, a true time and phase correct speaker. No experience with Sonus Faber. Bob  
@atmasphere , Will the Class D amps be upgradable? Bob  
I have some Magnepan MGIIb's. Giving them away for free.
I had IIIs that I couldn't give away. They ended up in a landfill. What a waste. I put my old speakers at the corner and someone picked them up within an hour. B  
starting equiment that ic cold from being shipped
I have always allowed my equipment to warm up before using it. Unless your home is a swamp, I can't see how condensation would be an issue. Most homes in the cold air of winter have low humidity. B  
Question about Class A
@jay73 , I think your speakers will be the determining factor regarding how tubes/class A will sound, and whether it will be 'better'. Bob  
How many systems do you have?
Two, Main system downstairs and the Office. I hate to say it but I am listening to the Office more than the Main. B  
Wireless vs. Ethernet for Streaming
My 2 cents: When you are using the internet, you have to make sure you aren't pushing up against the limits of data transfer. I have Verizon Fios Gigabit. It works fine. But, if there is a lot of traffic/demand, I can have Qobuz/Roon hiccup. No... 
Does the Vandersteen 1C Hold Up to Modern Standards?
@spacecadet65 , Jim(@tomic601) probably didn’t consider recent price increases.   I will also say that you could also go with the VLR’s. Nifty little bookshelves that will work best in corners, but can also be stand mounted. I use them in my of... 
Does the Vandersteen 1C Hold Up to Modern Standards?
The Vandy 1's are a great bargain for the price, especially used. If you can demo them, then listen for any distortions that would indicate a bad driver-Buzzing and the like. All Vandy speakers are time and phase aligned, so they are very easy o... 
Atma-Sphere MP1 with single-ended inputs and outputs? Adapters OK?
I have to say that when I dealt with Jensen, they were very easy to work with. I am sure if you explain the situation, they would be able to find a suitable product. B  
Question about sound stage
Well, it could be an issue with the equipement (amp or pre), but most likely it is due to position and room conditions. I had a system that exhibited the same issue you mentioned. In my case, it was due to a lot of glass to one side and a large o... 
What direction should I go
I own both the Innuos Zen3 Mini/LPS and a Zen3. Both are very good for the price. That being said, I bought a Brinkman Nyquist. Yes, it is over 10K used, but I have to say my first thoughts were- 'Boy this reminds me of vinyl'. I have also bough... 
Audio Research Ref75 se
@mike30 , I replied to your post on the Vandy forum. As @tomic601 mentioned, just about any amp utilizing zero feedback will be a good match for Vandy speakers. Don't ask me why, they just do. B    
@jl35 , +1. Mr. V. swears by bi-wire. And, if bi-wiring leads to phase distortion, then Vandersteen would never use it, as his speakers are time/phase aligned. B  
Do I need a 20 amp or 15 amp power conditioner/surge protector
+1 for a whole house surge protector. @erik_squires. Though the AQ Niagra 7000 shouldn't limit power transients demands, I would still plug an amp directly to the wall.- That is if you have a whole house surge protector at the main box. Bob