
Responses from gdnrbob

Grounding a Powered Subwoofer Causes Volume Increase
No experience with the equipment you use/d, but when I demoed another grounding unit, I noticed a subtle, though noticeable increase in the 'blackness' of the system-like, less noise in the background.  Perhaps this is what you are noticing.-Mayb... 
Balanced versus single ended
I second Ralph's (Atmasphere)'s post. You need equipment that supports the AES standard in order to compare balanced to RCA.-Otherwise, it is a crapshoot. Utilizing the AES 48 standard should eliminate the effect of cables affecting sound qualit... 
Why is used audio equipment so undesirable?
I couldn't have afforded my system if I bought new. Also, the fact that I knew I loved Vandersteen speakers narrowed down my quest. That and some very lucky purchases that happened at the right time, and great advice from John Rutan at Audioconn... 
Does Anyone Else Member the Golden Age of Audio Insults and Product Degradation?
Dyna Groove- Dyna Warp.  
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
I think you answered your own question. If a reviewer bases his/her opinion on only tech specs,-which is something you believe are not the end all- then why should you bother to consider his opinion? There are plenty of people on the internet wh... 
Vandersteen 7 and room treatment
 the Vandersteen’s are still sitting on their pallets upstairs for the second week.   Good, let your ears take in the sound, then set up the Vandys. Dollars to donuts, I bet you'll never go back. Be sure to let us know your decision on the For... 
Attractive Bookshelf - Under $3k
+1 for the Vandy VLR and CT version. I own the non-CT version for my office and boy can it rock! I listened to it at Audioconnection, where it was paired with the Belles Aria Integrated. With the Sub 3 it was amazing, but when Johnny switched ou... 
Well...I am taking the plunge into digital..
Using wired is my preferred method, though I can understand the need to use WiFi. If you do go wireless, try to use the 5ghz band instead  of the 2.5. It has a shorter range, but has much fewer signals running on it. B  
Audiophiles on Audiogon.
Ken Rockwell started out in photography and branched out into just about everything. How he became so knowledgeable about Stereo is beyond me. When I first found him, he put up some good info, but devolved into posting obvious troll posts that we... 
Well...I am taking the plunge into digital..
Though digital streaming is just 1's and 0's, software is the beast behind the curtain. I would recommend that you either call or PM John Rutan (Audioconnection). He can give you great information at a great price-Free!. Bob  
Well...I am taking the plunge into digital..
The DAC in your receiver, as well as the Bluesound Node will be pretty bare bones. Like most things in life, the more you pay, the more you get. My 2 cents- get your system dialed in a best you can, then take on digital.  I started with the Bl... 
Old Vandersteen model 2 vs. newer model 2
I've never been a 'sweet spot' lover. I want a speaker that provides good depth and imaging over a wide field. All the Vandy's I've owned have provided the aforementioned traits (also owned the 3a sigs). Having an unbalance listening room will re... 
Old Vandersteen model 2 vs. newer model 2
The VLR's are meant to be placed near corners, and whether in a bookshelf or on stands, they can match the 2's, esp with a Vandy sub (or 2). I have mine mounted near the ceiling at the corners of the room-Unusual for many, but the only way I can ... 
Power isolation box versus Power conditioner?
Here is a nice read:    
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
Home Depot Hospital Grade Leviton's for me. B