
Responses from gdnrbob

Just installed a bluesound node 2i , quality not so good
@emergingsoul - Like listening to music filtered by a blanket. Node 2i needs a better dac.  So disastifying.  Avr’s with bluos handle music better.  Waste of money for me.   You have a $500 streamer/Dac. If you want something better, spend $3K ... 
Decline or accept upon receipt of damaged gear
As a seller, I would always accept a return if the box or package had significant damage.  Bob  
Power Conditioning - How Important for Digital and Analog Source Components vs Amp?
My 2 cents- Amps and high current devices should be plugged directly into the wall. The rest should go into a good conditioner, like the AQ 1200. And, if you are concerned about power surges, put a whole house surge protector by the mains. Bob  
Vandersteen Speakers.. Are All Other Speaker Makers Doing It Wrong ?
Let's face it, not everyone is sensitive to time and phase correct speakers. B    
Any feedback on Sam Laufer’s Memory Player?
Sam has been undergoing a major redevelopment of the company. I am to be getting the newest Memory Player in a few days. I'll let you know what I think. Bob  
Surprised by streamer differences
Aurilac offers a great product for the price. One of my friends believes the integrated Streamer/DAC they offer is one of the best performing for $3K. I am currently using Innous and really like it. B  
Vandersteen 7 and room treatment
@wideload , As a Vandy owner, you are eligible to join the Vandy Forum. Just go to the Vandersteen website and click on the right buttons. There, I promise, you will be given the best information for setting up your speakers. @holmz ​​@audiono... 
Townshend Isolda Speaker Cable BI-WIRE issue
Email or call Townshend. It should be on the website. If you need a contact, PM me. Bob  
whole house surge protector
@erik_squires , +1, The whole house surge protector does nothing until it senses a power surge. When it trips, it will sacrifice itself, and in turn protect your equipment downstream. Adding additional surge protection near sensitive equipment ... 
Buying used vs new speakers from a technology perspective
Vandersteen updates it's speaker components as new tech becomes available. Most of the time, it doesn't mean a series upgrade, but just an evolution in design.   So, I say 'yes' to the belief that tech has improved with time.   Bob  
Need recommendation for someone to analyze and repair Burson amps.?
Their website lists a number of US dealers, why not call them? B  
ATMA-SPHERE MA-1 MK11.3 with magnepans, am I completely mad?!
Well, Ralph is on the forum, so either PM him or wait to see if he'll respond. Of course, you can always call the shop directly. He usually answers the phone. I agree with @soix, his amps are known to work well with low impedance speakers. Bob  
Ayre Acoustics MXR-Twenty and KX-5 Twenty owners...
You didn't mention a budget, so I didn't mention the Brinkman Nyquist. More expensive than the Meitner, but it ended up replacing my Ayre QB-9 Twenty.- A move that was definitely for the better. B  
@sheridanmartinj , Digital has progressed by leaps and bounds in the past decade, the ARC is pretty much a dinosaur. A used Ayre Codex would be a more contemporary, as well as competent, albeit at $850. You could also get a Schiit Bifrost, not ... 
Vandersteen 2Ce Sig3 vs VLR with Sub 3
I have the VLR (non CT) with a pair of Belles Aria Monoblocks and an Aria Signature Preamp for my office. (10x10') Those little speakers can really rock. Unfortunately, I have no direct experience with the 2's, but did own the 3a sigs. Since yo...