
Responses from gdnrbob

Ohm Acoustic Corp., Brooklyn NY
Sometimes you need to give a small manufacturer the benefit of the doubt. As you probably know, there is a supply issue that is affecting world-wide distribution. That is probably what is causing the delay. However, small manufacturers should ma... 
Balanced versus single ended
@charles1dad , As I posted at the beginning, I bought the Mogami XLR cable from Ralph when I bought his amp and preamp. I then bought some AQ cable on the recommendation of my dealer ( which cost more, by the way). To be honest, I could hear no ... 
Balanced versus single ended
Oh, you boys! (-sounding like mother Bailey in 'It's a Wonderful Life') B  
Is This the Essence of "The Audiophile Dilemma?
@ps, If you don't know what you want/need, then ask someone who does- like a good dealer like John Rutan (Audioconnection), because he does know. And, I say this as one who never trusted a dealer until Johnny. bob  
Vandersteen 5a, 15 years old vs. new Vandersteen Quatro Wood (upgrade or downgrade)
@prefab , As a Vandy owner, please join us on the Vandy forum. Just go to the Vandy website and click on the link. You will see all the folks who have chimed in on this thread, and if you are a good boy, even Mr. V. will post.😜 Bob  
Why do some amps provide more output power when using a balanced connection?
@therandyman , Unfortunately, Almarg is no longer with us. Though he is missed, at least by me.   Thankfully, Ralph (Atmasphere), is still alive and kicking, so if he doesn't chime in on this thread, you should PM him or call him (his number is... 
Balanced versus single ended
@atmasphere , I have tried, like you, to educate those on this forum for years. In fact, it is your knowledge that has guided me.     So, l want to give one last clarification on the RCA/XLR conundrum: If your equipment supports the AES Stan... 
Hi Resolution sound on a Windows 7 computer
@autospec , Go to Sounds- Playback. Click on the output you are using. Click Advanced and go to Default Format. Click on the Drop down and select the highest level that will work on your machine. Bob  
Buyer Beware
Before returning to Audio, I was buying and selling watches. That hobby is even worse than audio. Though wire transfer is considered safe, crooks know how to evade the system and screw you even when you use that.     The best advice is to use ... 
Another person going digital and full of questions
@hilde45 , Though the guts of DAC's and streamers are pretty much the same, the difference between them is the software driving them. I have no experience with Orchard, so I cannot comment on it's performance, but I will say that if you do compa... 
Is an isolation transformer better than a power conditioner?
Here is a link to an article I think you might be interested in looking at: Bob  
Another person going digital and full of questions
Great info so far. My 2 cents: I, too, struggled to understand the streaming thing. I started with a BS Node- very inexpensive, very capable unit. Lots of connectivity to a wide range of music services, but the included DAC, though good for the... 
Best XLRs under $500 a pair
If your equipment supports the AES standard, then XLR cables should not contribute to sound quality. B  
Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty Streaming DAC
An Ayre QB-9 Twenty owner here. And, I concur with your opinion. Even the Codex was a very capable DAC for the money. Ayre seems to offer a great products at great price points. Bob  
Is an unbalanced preamp a bad thing?
You can always get some Jensen RCA to XLR convertors. B