

Responses from gawdbless

Why not horns?
Hi-fi sounding only c/w poor bass sounding horns?sure seems like we have entered a silly season.I like my horns (Impulse H1's and Oris 150's) simply because to my ears they have more good points that far outweight their minus points, but the most ... 
Why not horns?
W, old fruit,are you sure you were not in politics rather than hi-fi? you seem to duck and dive, bob and weave around questions better than a boxer!, the pugilistic kind rather than the canine.TKO.lol......................... 
Why not horns?
Horns will always sound like hi-fi, never real , they project sound in a manner where all instruments and voices have the same projection and size.-----------------------------------------------------------With all due respects you are talking out... 
Why not horns?
Horns will always sound like hi-fi, never real , they project sound in a manner where all instruments and voices have the same projection and size. -----------------------------------------------------------Utter tosh. 
Why not horns?
06-15-10: EldartfordAs I have said, horns do Dixieland jazz superbly, but I can't listen to Dixieland all the time.Thanks for setting us all straight on that crucial statement, I will now have to sell 99.9% of my collection. 
Why not horns?
I have a suggestion, I think all those that slate Horn speakers here who have not divulged what speakers they are running should. 
What is the standard for judging a systems sound?
A little silver shiny disc. 
Why not horns?
05-23-10: EldartfordIf you want violins to sound like trumpets, get horns.On the other hand for, Dixieland Jazz, a horn speaker is ideal.--------------------------------------------------------Actually, from personal experience some horns sound ve... 
Why not horns?
The best horn I have heard to date, which has just been solidly reiterated by me recently been listening to my Impulse H1's (Aspara Acoustics same people)for the first time in over 4 years, it has just dawned on what I have been missing for these ... 
Most unusual/mesmerizing female voice.
Emilie Autumn. 
Contemporary composers. Please help.
One could also add John Adams- 'The Death Of Klinghoffer' opera. 
Contemporary composers. Please help.
Penderecki- Violin Concerto No2 (Mutter/LSO. DG Label)Poul Ruders-Violin Concerto No1 ( Rebecca Hirsch Violin) Unicorn-Kanchana Label 
Fleetwood Mac
Kudos also must be given to Abba for refusing to rejoin even with the stratospheric amount of wonga they were reported to have been offered. Shame some of the geriatric old fart bands did not retire when their time was up, then again if stuck in a... 
Fleetwood Mac
Mac- I think 375 million albums plus 2m to 3m per year is more than a few,lol.When they were giging and were doing a few gigs at the Royal Albert Hall they could have filled the Royal Albert Hall out for a whole year+ with their ticket sales. 
Select Your Less Than Ideal System
I will go with 'B'.