

Responses from gawdbless

Is Hi-fi getting more expensive?
Obesity is cheaper today than yesterday. 
Most overlooked LPs in the last 20 years
Tis a sticky subject because for me if an album by an artisthas been overlooked it seems that the artist is not popularwith the masses, the Rolling and a Stones have always beenpopular with old die hards (I am not a fan), whereas an artist that I ... 
New Magnepan 1.7 R
Its good to see a manufacturer introduce a new product at a down to earth price.Looks an exciting additional to their range of speakers. 
Happy Christmass everyone
Merry Christmas to one and all,and may your god shine on you (if you have one).My health insurance goes up a whopping 33% from Jan 1st 2010.My agent will now be called 'Dick Turpin'.Shame there is not a latter day 'Robin Hood'.May the NHS always b... 
Looking for Wagner recommendations
'Personally I love this music, but Der Walkure puts me right out. All that incestuous swooning in the cave for what seems like hours with no action at all.'are you expecting some X-rated behavior?Q.Whats the definition of a man's foreplay?A.Fancy ... 
Magnepan Owners - Need Your Thoughts Please
I personally find the Magnepan very 'open' sound is impressive initially to the ears and brain, but the novelty soon wear off, they sound very impressive in the mid-range,but after awhile and one gets used to the sound it sounds to my ears that th... 
interested in exploring classical
Cheapest and quickest is your local library.You could also check out the BBC Radio 3, they also give an excellent insight into classical music.You do not need to know about music to understand music.I mean if you like looking at the moon and plane... 
Artists of the Decade
A few eletronica that I have on vinyl that for a time was my every day play going back loads of years, so far back I can't think/remember what I have tucked away in storage,*Tangerine Dream- Rubycon!Tomita,Edgar Froese/Schulze*Jean Michele Jarre,V... 
Artists of the Decade
Anyone who does not like Britney Spears, has no taste in music, or they do, BAD! 
best vocal harmonies in rock
Will the real Milli Vanilli please stand up! 
best vocal harmonies in rock
Theunderlyingtheme;'If you're suggesting that Queen didn't deliver the goods onstage,' You have just answered your own question. 
Artists of the Decade
Count me in as a defender of rap music.Lots of it is very good, and nearly all is cleverly done.Should I dispel The Rolling Stones as sh1t just becauseI do not particularly care for most of their music? Of course not. 
Artists of the Decade
'Micachu and the Shapes', a band that I think will be up therein the artists' of the decade, a very exciting new group who have been given their own genre called 'junk shop punk'. Maybe a bit to radical for some (or a lot).I think they are excelle... 
John Lennon, 29 years ago today....
He should have stayed at home in the UK, then he would still be alive today, and probably be a 'Sir', or maybe would have received an MBE, OBE, CBE, from her Royal Highness Liz II or even a CDM (cadbury's dairy milk),lol..... 
John Lennon, 29 years ago today....
He did change my life, I now know the difference between a headache and a migraine.