

Responses from gawdbless

Music of th last 30 years
I think there is a strong suspicion that there are some songs in that list that are older than 30 years,lol............Lots of good, very good songs on that huge list.Thanks for posting. 
How is Mid Fi defined?
'This forum is AUDIOgon, not MUSICgon or ARTgon so I think its OK to talk about audio.'Could have fooled me with threads of burgers, bikes, cars,watches, drink, cigars etc etc,lol................. 
Why not horns?
In these depressive times of big brother cock ups, its nice to hear someone that is busy now, and tomorrow. 
How is Mid Fi defined?
Does your system have bass and treble 'tone' controls'?Sorry, but it's mid fi. 
How is Mid Fi defined?
You might own a Mid Fi system if.........................your speakers need enough juice that only a nuclear power station could provide. 
How is Mid Fi defined?
..........it has more parts made in China than the US. 
Interesting priorities
Hope they did not have any pets. 
Gilmour and Waters Together Again
Samwell- What drivel are you spouting?Who said they were talentless? 
Best Rock Album in 2010
Thanks Bongo for the recommondations, I could not have picked a better 3 bands that have not had any affect on my musical journey. AOR at its worst, pap, sheer pap. 
Where do you have your rack?
Attached to Mrs Bless..............lol.I have heard (can't confirm the truth in that) that having only the stereo in a room will yield the best results for ones hi-fi sound, even a telephone/tv affects the sound in a detrimental way, apparently.Fo... 
Gilmour and Waters Together Again
Probably the same old stuff part 358 to be churned out from these two aged 'freedom pass' eligible wrinkly rockers. 
Magnepan observations.
Thanks for the commercial on behalf of Magnepan.I think musically my ears are a bit pre pubescent so on your advice I might just have to pass them by until I am older.lol. 
Best Rock Album in 2010
'Indie' music (IMO) should not be confused with 'rock' music.If Caribou is being touted as 'rock music', then both my parents come from Pluto.Now, where did I park my spaceship?lol.The new album from 'Beady Eye' when it arrives, probably more Indi... 
Remember the Electric Light Orchestra
This version of 'Roll over' kicks ass.............http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxXl4oS9wssMik Kaminski also taught me music at college back in the day many moons ago, well he tried to anyway,lol..................... 
Remember the Electric Light Orchestra
They did the best cover version of 'Roll over Beetoven', by Chuck and his berries.