

Responses from gawdbless

Johnny Cash, American VI
Can't comment on the vinyl, but the cd I think is very well recorded.I can't see personally how for instance the tracks 'Sam Hall' or 'Tear Stained Letter' could be improved upon. He (IMHO) has chosen a few tracks unsuitable for his gruff voice na... 
Comedy Albums
All of 'Derek & Clive'. 
To big to fail? What road are we headed down?
IMHO it is a very valid post on what is a after all a hi-fi forum, if I am not mistaken of course. There are various post's on these boards that are not related with hi-fi, such as; bikes, watches, alcoholic beverages, vehicles, what you ate for b... 
As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?
The last 2 paragraphs of this review by a very well respected UK hi-fi reviewer, is the opinion I also hold now. It should not just be applicable to the speakers being reviewed, but all speakers worth their salt.http://www.acoustica.org.uk/impulse... 
Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?
Audiogon does not appear to be the best site for 'newer music' to be discussed, a large proportion of contributors here (my opinion only) seem to be stuck in the 70's. So very sad, as there is a huge wealth of incredible new music to heard if one ... 
As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?
"As system improves, do bad recordings sound worse?"Absolutely NOT.How can a system be viewed upon as 'improving' when it makes ones cd's sound worse? DOH.(well, maybe if one has bad speakers to start with that need well recorded material to shine... 
Good Sounding Speaker that Won't Attract Thieves?
When faced with the terrible prospect of meeting a burglar,one could always use the Clint quote;"Go ahead, make my day"I personally would put beef pate all over his gonads and give him a question just before I let my 100lb of drooling rottweiler/G... 
Good Sounding Speaker that Won't Attract Thieves?
I would be more concerned with the ancillary equipment, ieitems that can be carried quite easily through a window or escape exit. 
Top 5 Hamburgers
................and what heart attack sandwich in a bun is complete without an order of fries?Five Guys Fries (large)1,464 calories 71 g fat (14 g saturated)213 mg sodium 
Top 5 Hamburgers
Carl's Jr. Double Six Dollar Burger, anything with 1520 calories and can potentially give one a heart attack, all for just 6 bucks, just has to be good. 
Best Audio Related Story (or joke).
Not hi-fi.................WHY CONDOMS COME IN BOXES OF 3, 6, AND 12 !!!A man walks into a drug store with his 8-year old son.They happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks, “What are these, Dad?"To which the man matter-of-factly repli... 
Best Audio Related Story (or joke).
MAN KILLED ON GOLF COURSE A foursome of guys is waiting at the men's tee while a foursome of women is hitting from the ladies' tee. The ladies are taking their time.When the final lady is ready to hit her ball, she hacks it 10 feet. She goes over ... 
Best Audio Related Story (or joke).
Not hi-fi related.A man boarded an aircraft at London 's Heathrow Airport for New York , and taking his seat as he settled in, he noticed a very beautiful woman boarding the plane.He realised she was heading straight toward his seat and bingo - sh... 
Van Halen or Van Hagar
Hagar the horrible. 
what are the "must have" CD's
Surely the best way to show off your system is with the lesser quality engineered cd's, no?