

Responses from gawdbless

Is listening daily at an average of 85db safe?
Play it safe, listen at 60db. 
Why not horns?
We: there are some lovely looking speakers on the bd site. 
The best sounding FM Tuner is.....
Naim NAT 01 is a damn fine tuner but goes for silly money secondhand and thereby only chased by sadists and those with more money than sense,lol.Then again Meridian did a tuner a thousand years ago the 104,sounded rather good if my memory serves me. 
Best bargain you've ever missed out
Money isn't everything.Then again there is no such thing as an ugly geeky Billionaire (might as well add aged also) is there? Cue Marshall whatever his name is with Anna Nicole Smith (RIP). 
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!!
If one is talking about worst music and not worst musicianship, then I would say there is no such thing.One either likes it or one does not.If something does not float your boat then don't listen.Nowt wrong with those cider drinking wurzels!.ooh a... 
Classics you can't have too many recordings of
Any and all and In no particular order of the following fab three; Puccini, Rossini and Verdi, 
Why not horns?
http://www.bd-design.nl/is a good site for Oris lovers. 
Why not horns?
WTF was Herr Loewe thinking last night with his tactics? Jeez.! Now I am not saying I know footie better than him, buthe played a wait and break game, totally the wrong tactics IMHO, they (the Germans) needed to get on the ball and press , not sit... 
Why not horns?
Holland through to the final.................Has anyone noticed, well for that are interested anyway,how long the players celebrate the goal when one is scored?seems like they are having a 'time out', or is it a new way of time wasting?Horns have ... 
What of your CD's have good sonics?
Everything one puts on to play should musically engagingregardless of how well the music is engineered.If one has so many unplayables then there is something wrong along the chain between the cd and the speakers.IMHO.I just plug in and play and li... 
Are there any albums you consider perfect?
Kindergarten Khords composed by a Kindergarten Komposer.How funny. 
Why not horns?
The Dutch should have to much in their arsenal for Uruguay, although the Dutch have always been a bit suspect in the knock out stages of the World Cup, they need another Cruyff!Spain can and do play beautiful football (if they show up that is) wit... 
Musical Speakers - If you like that sort of thing.
I agree with Duke, and I will add that I think it is all an illusion, one big musical lie. Some lies are better than other lies. 
Why not horns?
'The Better any system get's to the truth, is the less you will experience these so called un-listenable tracks.'absof*ckinglutely................ 
Why not horns?
I would dismiss Beethoven's opinions,if he were alive today.