

Responses from gawdbless

You're selling that? But you just got it
A joke...................(no offence ladies),Six reasons why men prefer guns to women;1- you can trade your old 45 for a 22,2- you can admire a friends gun and he'll let you try it,3-your gun stays with you even if you run out of ammo,4-guns funct... 
What sounds the best on your system?
Vocals, simply par excellence. I can hear saliva slooshing around in the singers' mouth. Detail, wonderful detail. 
Bands that had a "masterpiece", w/ common theme
'Elizium' by Fields of the Nephilim. 
Alright ? Who brought the bandeon to the jazz gig?
looks like a squashed accordion to me.Anything that can make jazz more ex*iting is fine by me.* c left out intentionally,lol.......... 
Why not horns?
Macro, I am in same corner when it comes to sound for pound (sterling/dollar). I have gotten good sound (I think so) from my horns, purchased very reasonably on here.If I had to I would possibly try and have a go at making a DIY pair, but as I am ... 
Why not horns?
Thanks for the explanation JohnK, you lost me in the first sentence though. Makes me wonder why wood is still used then if there is better available? $53,000 is just plain ludicrous for a pair of speakers in my eyes. Would love to hear them one da... 
The most important word of advise?
1.money,2.cash,3.wonga,4..credit card.5.partner's approval.(perhaps #5 should be first)...... 
Why not horns?
Is there a sonic difference between a fibreglass cone and a wooden cone? if so, can someone please explain the benefits and or negatives of both materials? (one benefit with fibreglass is I suppose there is no chance of it getting attacked by wood... 
Why not horns?
A bargain at $53,000?HELLO, earth to reviewer.Those cost of those speakers (to me anyway) are a sure case of 'why don't I try and build my own'? 
Music vs. Components
Every time my hifi is 'turned on' it is an orgasm for my ears. 
Best high-efficiency speaker under 10K
Ggavetti, I can understand where you are coming from, but for me personally a speaker is a speaker and they ain't pretty,lol. I would go for sound quality everytime rather than the look of a speaker, or its resale value on the used market, I mean ... 
Jef Beck "Performing Ronnie Scotts" LP
For bass lovershttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKMO5e9rAp0&feature=related 
Best high-efficiency speaker under 10K
If It were my money I would move KCS up to top position in your speaker hunt.For the money you are wanting to shell out I think you would be hard to pressed to find better than one of JohnK's offerings from a bigger loudspeaker manufacturing conce... 
Super High Material
Reasonable sound for reasonable cost?I think most hi-fi manufacturers should take note! 
Why not horns?
Is pissing with rain so I thought I would share a joke;A simple spelling mistake caused my divorce, I wentto Amsterdam and senta message to my wife, 'having the most amazing and wonderful time wish you were her'!