

Responses from gawdbless

Zingali Overture series thumbs "up" or "down"
Replacing Nano with iPod for Best Sound
As a family, we are trying to keep up with technology, so I bought my daughter an iPhone, my son a iPod, and myselfan iPad. I felt sorry for my wife, so I bought her an iRon.Thats when it all kicked off.............. 
Has anyone else tried DNM solid core cable?
Just like DNM Amps, his speaker cables are equally as good. Why pay more? 
Why not horns?
Verneal, I think your comments are stuck in a groove.My horns do not appear to be much larger in footprint than your Thiels. 
Brit singers late 80s-90s....roses, mondays, etc..
Perhaps it the way boys from the wrong side of the pennines can't speak or sing, and I use the word 'sing' loosely as to what HRH would approve of,lol.............Phase, you maybe waiting a long time for lead singers to havesinging lessons, when b... 
Brit singers late 80s-90s....roses, mondays, etc..
Phase, you could not be incorrect, they do carry tunes very well, its the way the songs sound best. Would the bands you mention (all mancs by the way) sound better with Pavarotti doing vocals? I think not. 
Did you hear that ALBUM?
Any listening medium if it has more than 3 tracks, cuts or whatever will be described by me as an 'album'.I never play vinyl these days. 
Remember the Electric Light Orchestra
He was just driving down a country road (B road) with hedges (I assume) on either side, that would have obscured his view, I mean those country lanes are usually only wide enough for one vehicle, the last thing one is looking at is the hedges on e... 
Cars R OK, but what kind of motorcycle do you have
because its better to focus on ripping off their presumably rich customers for $1000 oil changes, under the guise of a "12,000 mile service"Never seen a Duke with 12k on the clock, well not working anyways,lol. Dukes have got that premature whizzb... 
Nice pop lp' from the 70's
I think they got their name after Mr Roberts sliced an onion. 
Remember the Electric Light Orchestra
What were the odds of that tragic accident happening? 
Gilmour and Waters Together Again
If ever there was a good case for retirement it has to be the 'On an Island' cd by David Gilmour, what a pile of self indulgent crap.The worst 4 bucks I have ever spent on a cd.IMO. 
Audiophiles are older than dirt
I have been told there was something called 'Etch-A-Sketch',Obviously, I am too young to remember it. 
Audiophiles are older than dirt
10.Butch wax. Is that a lubricant? 
Favorite Pianists
Les Dawson;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F19zGHoWpL0&NR=1Chico & Harpo Marx;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XsWI9EEricHinge or Brackethttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHUO2RrQd4YVictor Borgehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Z2mrpqtRoRowan At...