
Responses from fleschler

Great speaker sounds terrible in my room?
  @ ishkabibil The manufacturer stated that the best position (probably for bass) is 3 feet from the wall, not 7 or 10 feet.  Plus, did the demo pair have 1000s of hours on it and yours is new?  Woofers can take 500 hours to break-in.  I have a h... 
Great speaker sounds terrible in my room?
@holmz  Great site, thanks.   Ain't the truth---“The sole objective of the audio industry as a whole is to sell products.”  
Great speaker sounds terrible in my room?
@pinthrift That site is at https://www.earglasses.com   Yes, Ear shape does change the sound, here for capturing more sound.   Interesting.  When I push my curved ears back, sound appears brighter and more detailed.    
Emm Labs DV2 versus Tambaqui
@melm As an amateur recording engineer for an orchestra, chamber group and multiple choirs as well as a chorister for 50+ years, I too prefer hearing live music in a good/great venue and can use that as a reference.  Unfortunately, as with bad rec... 
Emm Labs DV2 versus Tambaqui
@melm  It was the author of another forum   Apparently, I thought it was a site review but is the author biased? https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/review-holo-may-l2-dac-and-the-musetec-audio-lks-audio-mh-da005-da    
Emm Labs DV2 versus Tambaqui
@sns  I agree.  I have 28.500 LPs, 7,000 78s and 7,000 CDs.   I love both LP and CD formats with the latter being the most convenient/easy to use.   I'm knocking the other guy (or anyone) who dismisses vinyl, good vinyl (good mastering and pressin... 
Emm Labs DV2 versus Tambaqui
  @lordmelton  Great vinyl should sound like a great recording, studio or hall with close miking.   It won't sound like a highly reverberant hall that is so in vogue for the last 40 years.   Live acoustic music sounds great in a large venue but n... 
Sony SCD-777ES, Oppo UPD-205 or Marantz SA-KI Ruby
Instead of a Marantz Ruby, how about the Luxman D03X at $3500 or the ultimate Luxman D10X at $16,000 (discounted some places).    
A phenomenal new CD transport-Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport
@jaymark and @charles1dad   I am between the Jay's Audio CD2 Mk3 and the Project.   However, did anyone compare the NEW 2019 Jay's Audio CD2 Mk3 rather than the prior model Mk2?   Steve Guttenberg reviewed them both and found significant improveme... 
Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
Yes, massive rugs and textured, sound absorbent wall hangings can cut down the reverberation so that you can at least enjoy listening to sound (talk) while watching TV.  I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your goal.  I assume that the current sound is ... 
Seeking advice for speakers for my Family Room
@maxwave I 100% agree, lovely room, not for serious music production or reproduction.   I spent more to build my sound room than the equipment.    Just too many hard and reflective surfaces (marble tile floors and the wall between the speakers, t... 
Review of Quadratic MC-1 SUT With Comparisons to Other SUTs
I'd like you to hear the Jensen old Audio Interface (40 & 80 ohm versions), their new version MC-2RR ISO-MAX 2 low & high) and my purchase of the 40 position Zesto Andros Allasso.  $550 and $3600 .   I perfectly matched my former Benz Ruby... 
Best speakers around $130k?
Wrong-my Legacy Focus have been measured at 96.4 db efficiency only 1.6db down from stated 98 db.   My friends VR 35 export is 90 db 8 ohms, minimum of 5 ohms at 25 Hz.  These are accurate and make them easy to drive by most amplifiers.  My 35 wat... 
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
I heard it less on Volti than on many other horns I've heard.  I prefer dynamic speakers.   I intend to audition the Botticelli planars.   L.A. audio show was cancelled so again, I cannot hear some of the speakers I wanted to hear most unless I go... 
Efficient speaker: Zu, Tekton, Volti, Klipsch, Fleetwood?
@csggolf My friends and I also heard the Rivals at Los Angeles area shows with them set on the long wall.   Unusual that we sat for 30 minutes listening to various types of music since we generally dislike horn speakers.   It was the most engaging...