
Responses from fleschler

Please share photos of your Vinyl cabinet/shelving
@noromance With 28,500 LPs and 7,000 78s, I need bookshelf type storage (in category and alphabetical order).  As to 7,000 CD storage, I use stacked drawers from Can-Am.  They are located in the middle of the storage room.   Very convenient.  
How many plays can you get out of a good record?
I can agree with you on most statements; however, 33 1/3 LP can sound superb, the equal of the best digital.  Probably (not probably, certainly) 1/3 of my collection will never see digital format (loss of tapes and lack of interest, especially eth... 
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
@mijostyn  I heard the Carver Amazing line array speaker.  No bass.  Wonderful spacious sound and imaging in the mids and highs.  Don't know if it would work in my room.    I heard the Volti Rivals as did my friends at a show and stayed for 1/2 h... 
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
I also prefer high efficiency speakers but they have big/many woofers to produce bass (Legacy Focus and Signature IIIs).  Noise is more prominent than lower efficiency speakers but so what, dynamics are easy to get, especially when loud.  I play m... 
Time to upgrade the pre-amp.
The LS28 was transformed by changing the tubes to 6N6 (also known as 6H6).  I compared my friends system (YG Sonja 2.3s) with my pre-amp (custom) and they sounded 90% similar with the new tubes.  With the 6H30s, yuk!   After hearing the slightly m... 
Please share photos of your Vinyl cabinet/shelving
My large collection of LPs and 78s are shelved in custom made wall units.  My records moved about 1/8" during the 1994 Northridge earthquake, a few miles from my then home.   The cost is higher then EKET and KALLAX but superior.  3/4" thick melami... 
How many plays can you get out of a good record?
I have 28,500 LPs.   Those purchased new and of good quality vinyl over 50+ years should sound as good as when new,  I've used good (now great) quality equipment  (Dynavectors, Lyra and Benz cartridges for 45 years, VPI turntables for 40 years, SM... 
The new dynamic in speaker pricing
@daveyf  The room was about 40+ feet deep but less than 18 feet wide.   Yes, they had amazing dynamic impact/scale and a huge soundstage, just too much of something which made them less than relaxing to listen to.   Maybe it was the amps but I've ... 
The new dynamic in speaker pricing
@daveyf  I heard the Alexx V’s at a friend of a friend’s house who is also a part time audio reviewer. He drove them with huge SS McIntosh amps, I don’t know what other electronics, a Kuzma turntable, several high end arms and the latest DS $12K o... 
The new dynamic in speaker pricing
Yes, he also has a pair of subs and he paid $12K to separate the YGs woofers from the main speaker (they are adjacent now) so that the tweeter is more at ear level (they are too high as originally constructed).  They throw a huge soundstage and ex... 
The new dynamic in speaker pricing
  @j-wall  I've heard several Von Schweikert speakers from the VR-35 to the Ultra 11.  The Ultra 9 and 11 sounded better than any audio system I've ever heard (and I've probably heard about 1000 at shows mostly and maybe 50 in homes).  Sure, they... 
Isn't it really about quality of recording?
  @ghdprentice  I have 27,500 LPs (about 2,000 duplicate operas) mix of classical, jazz, vocal, opera, ethnic, etc.   I also have 7,000 78s.   I am 66, collecting since 3.  I live in Los Angeles area and have had many great stores to purchase fro... 
Isn't it really about quality of recording?
@ghdprentice  I have 7,000 CDs.   At least 1,000 are Romophones, Marston and Biddulph.   Unavailable for streaming.   The alternatives are buying LP versions or the 78s themselves (if possible, $1millions in cost and then there is the playback spe... 
Isn't it really about quality of recording?
I am still shocked/amazed at how dynamic and colorful many of my recordings sound (CD and LP) with upgrades in cartridge/SUT and DAC/transport in 2022.  My former Benz Ruby 3 didn't match well with SUTs and I lost dynamics.   The Zesto Allesso and... 
Torus vs AudioQuest Niagara
I also own the Bryston version, the Bit 20.  Everything but my big mono amps and my digital transport are plugged in.   For some unknown reason, the DAC likes to be plugged into the Bit 20 but the transports I've used don't.  I plug the transport ...