
Responses from fleschler

I just read on their site that the SR Purple fuse sounds best after 200-300 hours.  What will it sound like after 50 hours, terrible?   The black fuse takes 72 hours (in my two trials) prior to sounding great.  Prior to that, it sounded wrong/bad/... 
Power Cord & SPDIF Coaxial Recommendations For Audiomeca Mephisto CD Transport
Has anyone tried Synergistic Research Foundation Coax digital cables? 
My Experience With Tekton
p05129 I 100% agree that comparing a floor standing speaker at under $5,000 2021 dollars is NOT necessarily going to be a superior sounding (certainly not superior constructed) speaker than many $30,000+ speakers.   I like my Legacy Focus speake... 
What speaker do you passionately want to demo?
@steve  I do not want to own an inefficient speaker.  I prefer speakers which have at least 90 db efficiency and/or a easy to drive impedance/phase angle.  The A5 has per Stereophile  "My estimate was slightly lower, at 86.5dB(B)/2.83V/m. The A5'... 
What speaker do you passionately want to demo?
@steve59 Figure 6 includes a 10db rise in the bass attributed to the room as was this month's speaker; however, figure 3 in an anechoic response had a 5db rise in the bass as well.  Looks boomy to me.  I think the highs dropping off above 5kHz i... 
Why are there so many PS Audio BHK-mono or stereo amps for sale? What Gives?
My good friend sold his CJ tube amp (it was close) and replaced it with the BHK 250 using mullard 6922s.   He is driving the YG Acoustics Sonja 2.3s,  The AR Reference 80S had an edge to the sound, definitely wrong for his system.    
Why have capacitors improved so much over the years?
@ieales  My friend has the PSAudio BHK 250 amp and said it sounds best with matched Mullard 6922 tubes.  Perfect matching is rare and maybe Kevin Deal goes for 5% and 10% for his premium and gold matched sets on Upscale Audio.   Maybe I've just ... 
I feel bad for GenX'ers that missed out on the 60s and 70s.
@jasonbourne52  I agree.  Classical covers many centuries of music.  Jazz 20th C. is close (love the 50's & 60's straight ahead and fusion type).  Pop music, musicals with singable melodies until the 1990s.  Sure, I like rock but from the 50s ... 
What speaker do you passionately want to demo?
Von Schweikert VR9SE Mk11, Evolution Acoustics MM2/MM3, Arion Apollo - all easy to drive speakers full range speaker systems.   
Why have capacitors improved so much over the years?
@bdp24 They were two of a kind; however, Roger designed circuits requiring perfectly matched output tubes such as he provided for my friend's RM9 amp.  Luckily, the tubes also run conservatively and have an extended lifespan (10,000 hours?). 
Why have capacitors improved so much over the years?
My EAR 890 amp uses cheap electrolytics, downrated from the original build and then, after they started blowing amps, uprated in the current version.  This is an abberation of EAR equipment.  I haven't had a problem and understand that Paravacini ... 
Why have capacitors improved so much over the years?
@widmerpool Absolutely correct.  Even table salt versus Kosher salt.  And even among brands of salt with Diamond Kosher salt generally superior to other brands. 
Reasonably sensitive speakers for tube amps, max $2k/pair, new or used
@hilde45 Two friends (one is a well known remastering engineer) and my living room second system have Signature IIIs.  I'm using a highly modded Dyna ST70 for my pair with outstanding sound and deep, punchy bass.  I'm glad you like my suggestion. ... 
Who is ditching their shiny disc spinners?
@facten  100% agreement.  I have 7,500 CDs, mostly excellently transferred or remastered (or digital like superb JVC version of Bill Holman Brilliant Corners analog 30 ips 1/2" two track 1997 recording only available on CD).   No hassle, plop CD i... 
Reasonably sensitive speakers for tube amps, max $2k/pair, new or used
Used Legacy Signature IIs or IIIs between $1600 and $2000.   Easy to drive 4 ohm, 94 db efficiency,  3.2 ohm min.   6-10" woofers, dual midrange, soft dome/ribbon tweeters and rear ambience tweeter.  Gorgeous sound with tight, punchy deep bass.  C...