
Responses from fleschler

Acoustic Guitar on Vinyl
Many of the Romeros (father or three sons) on Contemporary or Philips have outstanding sonics of Spanish classical music.  Roy du Nann and Bob Fine recordings generally do.  
DAC diminishing returns
I own a very highly modified Benchmark DAC1 HDR.  It has great bones such as a linear power supply and good DAC chips.   However, it has really cheap computer power and filter caps, regulators (50¢).   I replaced them all with audiophile quality c... 
Looking for wider soundstage
I use four Shakti Hallographs (two in the corners and two in the middle of the sidewalls-very critical).  I also use 34 SR HFTs (5 levels plus 2 speakers).  I don't know how much the side wall or ceiling ones affect the sound as I have ample side ... 
Most Realistic Recordings
I have made several 100 recordings of orchestras, choirs and chamber music in such venues as UCLA Royce Hall, Disney Hall, Ford Amphitheater, Gindi Auditorium, etc all in Los Angeles. I have performed in all but Royce where I was a parttime review... 
Most Realistic Recordings
Organ-try George Wright "Hot Pipes" his best organ recording on CD.  Great choir-Roger Wagner chorale in Green Leaves of Summer (only the Varese Sarabande CD, others are junk).    
Most Realistic Recordings
Realistic to what?  A live performance or a recording stage/studio recording?  They are so different.  I want to hear what the engineer engraved on a record or cd (or RR tape).  What I don't want it a modern, phasey, distant, over-reverberant reco... 
Albums you do not get...a plea for help and understanding
@tony1954  My sentiments exactly.   Graceland does not hold together as an album for me.   I am not into Springsteen.    There's so much Miles Davis-I prefer his 50's and early 60's recordings with great sidemen.  I generally prefer Lee Morgan ... 
First impressions of the Isoacoustic Gaia 1’s
@phillyb   I MUST use my Townshend Sink under my VPI TNT VI turntable.  It has inadequate/ineffective footers, much worse than the spring and rubber feet of my earlier VPI 19-4.  I also require Ultra SS Stillpoints under my preamp/phono stage whic... 
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps?
My primary amp is a pair of Altec 1569A theater amps. WARNING-Using these unmodified in the home is dangerous as the 700 volt operating current puts out not insignificant amounts of radiation. My amps were gutted but for the case and transformers.... 
“House” Character of Popular $20-$30k Speakers
@hedwigstheme I started with an Audio Research SP14 and Classic 60 amp. Then went with a beefed up/modified Counterpoint NPS 400 amp. Then 125w tube monoblock voltage regulated custom made amps with a custom made preamp using six subminiature tube... 
“House” Character of Popular $20-$30k Speakers
To the poster who liked the ML ReQuest. I had it in a second system and the Monolith IIIs in the main room 27 years ago. When my wife heard them 26 years ago, she HATED them. Bright, beamy, lacking in bass and warmth, limited dynamics-yuk. Replace... 
“House” Character of Popular $20-$30k Speakers
How about Von Schweikert used VR55s or new Endeavor E5 or Endeavor SE.  Evolution Acoustics MM2.  These are state of the art in their price range $25K-$45K.  Dynamic with great bass, you are there presence.  You should audition these before plunki... 
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
Several friends and I use Synergistic Research duplexes.   I prefer the blue, my friends have red and black (earlier/different) duplexes.  I know that they consist of commercial/industrial grade and relatively inexpensive outlets.  They are proces... 
Tweaks, money pit or real value?
I hired an acoustician and followed his construction requirements as well as eliminating the need for bass traps by building them into the wall (including activated carbon filters between studs). The walls are 16" thick with no openings (doors are... 
Tweaks, money pit or real value?
The Hallographs are superior to toilet paper roll Helmholtz diffusers and probably any typical Helmholtz diffuser.  I needed them in my prior home which did not have a custom built listening room.  If I purchase Von Schweikert speakers, I probably...