
Responses from fleschler

Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@noske No, that was the Benchmark DAC HDR-1. I have never heard their amps although two of my friends had borrowed them and they felt a lack of attachment despite the clean, clear, dynamic sound. I do not know which models. The thread/forum is no... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@axo1989  I've been collecting/listening to LPs for 60 years.  Digital playback has evolved to be tremendously captivating, often equal to the best vinyl.  Unless there are some performances/music that you find you can only obtain on vinyl (about ... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
I own two other DACs purchased when I switched from the EAR Acute (2005), the COS Engineering D1v ($9000) and D2v ($5000) retail. They are gorgeous units which even my cable/equipment manufacturing friend says are also exceptionally built. However... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@kota1 You’ve done a very impressive job correcting your room sound from the speakers alone (quite bumpy). Looks really flat after correction. Back in the mid-1980s, I was fortunate to hear Conrad Johnson’s top pre-amp (don’t remember the name), ... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@prof I wrote the prior response while you were posting your admission.  Martin and you contribute better posts on ASR than the vast majority.  You don't go off topic and start to talk about pizza toppings, wine, sport cars, soft drinks etc.  Why... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@djones51  My mistake, you are correct.  It is Martin who owns and extols the virtues of Von Schweikert speakers.  While searching for the answer at ASR, I came upon numerous Mr. Hooper postings concerning his preference for listening to vinyl and... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@sngreen The former forum was closed by the moderator. It got rather snarky at the end and discussion was getting off topic (especially after Amir returned to add his two cents-what his comments are worth here). @djones51 No, Prof is not Matt Ho... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
Art Dudley-I miss him too. (I followed his reviews since the 1990s)  There are so many roads to reproducing music. His reviews were generally full of feeling for the music, music that I appreciate. I more thing about the Benchmark L4 pre-amp. Fou... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
I read five reviews of the Benchmark L4.  Uniformly, the reviewers found the pre amp extraordinary in revealing musical and acoustic detail, without any affectation or distortion, in a finely constructed piece of equipment.  Clean and clear was th... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@prof Your Contemplating Devores forum is 100% subjective, wholly lacking in measurements in your opinions and choices.   What about all the ancillary equipment used to listen to each speaker in order to evaluate them in your room?  (Rhetorical). ... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@prof Again, if you read my original comment in the other forum, I was QUOTING from an ASR forum which is printed in italics As to the Benchmark L4 versus the CJ pre-amp, one of the comments was The LA4 certainly isn’t "lacking" anything. It’s jus... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@prof I NEVER MENTIONED THE BENCHMARK PREAMP OF ANY SORT!!! Can’t you read? I only mentioned Benchmark DACs, and in particular the HDR-1 from 2010-2 era. Stop with the nonsense of putting words in my mouth that I never wrote. I’ve never tried any... 
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts
@prof Unless you have viewed the parts and design of both the Benchmark and Emotiva YOU have no basis to doubt me. Not only that, I think that the Benchmark DAC I use has superior engineering, possibly due to their particular asynchronous oversamp... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
Of course I understand economics.  It is feasible for me at my age and station to acquire more expensive (and in my opinion) better quality cabling.  You do the best you can.    Back when I was in my teens and 20s, no one even spoke of boutique c... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
I did not deride Mogami cable. If test measurements make it ideal for recording or mastering, that’s what pros should use. If it happens to work in a home system, that’s great too. I only reported what it sounded like in a few upper mid-fi and one...