

Responses from falconquest

Too good a post to waste
"There's no-one left alive - must be draw."So the Blackcap Barons toss a coin to settle the score.  
A warm DAC?
I can highly recommend the following, V2 KTE.....https://kitsunehifi.com/product/holo-audio-spring2-dac-kitsune-tuned-edition/ 
Silnote Audio, Poseidon GS Reference. 
Speakers that are a great value!
I have toured the Salk facility and it was great to meet the guys building the speakers, all good folks. If you have an in depth conversation with Jim you may learn why his speakers are such a great value. His cabinet finishes are legendary of cou... 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
Just want to say, great thread guys. Thanks, I enjoyed reading it. This is what this forum is all about! 
I can prove your room is bad
That's it!Buy headphones. 
Your One Bullet Point Solution; Electrical Upgrade
I think there is an important element missing here because no one is talking about local codes. If you upgrade your service I can't imagine any local code allowing only 100A service. The minimum where I live is 200A and that may be outdated as wel... 
Wharfedale Elysian 4 Incredible build quality and sound, but made in China.
I have no interest in the subject of this thread but wanted to say, let's please keep politics out of this forum. There are plenty of places for that and we don't need it here please. 
Class-D recommendation
I have a Legacy Audio PowerBloc2 available that would work nicely. 650w into 4 ohms and 1000 damping factor.https://legacyaudio.com/products/view/powerbloc2/ 
Do these woofers look right on these Dunlavys IVA's?
Those are diffuser cones................kidding. I actually saw these and wondered the same thing so thanks for asking the question. I have no interest i these so good luck! 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
Why all this criticism about cables? I don't get it. You can buy a Yugo or a Lamborghini, does anyone criticize the Lamborghini driver because he doesn't need to spend that much money to get from point A to point B? What about your home? If you li... 
Anyone with tinnitus or hearing loss who is into "high-end" audio?
Once again consulting my PhD wife, Dirk De Ridder is a Belgian Neurosurgeon who is arguably the preeminent authority on tinnitus. I guess he is just crazy smart.  My wife has met him. I suggest anyone who wants more information should research his... 
What is it you do?
Usually drink and listen....drink and listen and drink, then drink, and drink oh, and listen! 
Looking for an acoustic engineer or specialist
+1 for Dennis Foley at Acoustic Fields! He gets it! 
Power Conditioners
This should be all you would ever need. Balanced power and the best surge protection.......https://www.furmanpower.com/product/20a-prestige-symmetrically-balanced-power-conditioner-P-2400%20I...