

Responses from falconquest

Member Almarg passed away last night
Thank you so much David for acting as the conduit between this board and Al’s family. It is with great sadness that we receive this news. I wish the best to Margaret and her family as they work through this trying time. Al will indeed be missed. W... 
Main Audiogon site barely works?
One trick I tried was to use my phone. For some reason it seemed to load on there much quicker than with my laptop. Good luck. 
Main Audiogon site barely works?
I thought it was just my internet service but when I loaded other pages they worked fine. I think we're due for an grade, not that I am unhappy with the site now. I would like a more user friendly forum where it is easier to quote others to enhanc... 
Think fast: What would you take?
I can tell you from experience, take practical things and forget the rest. A toothbrush, clothes, a razor, anything that you would need for a few overnights. The most important things are extra underwear, socks, maybe a second pair of shoes. When ... 
~$15K floorstanders: opinions sought
Were I in your shoes I would run (not walk) to pick up the pair of Daedalus Audio Orpheus for sale right now here. They are simply gorgeous and I wish I could own them. Don't look back just buy them! 
Update on Audiogon Member Almarg
Now wait a doggone minute, I have some questions that I'm sure only almarg can answer! I have always appreciated his wisdom. If you gaze through a search of his posts there are so many thank you's and +1 almarg's over the years it's obvious that h... 
Woofer pumping possibly due to tube amp when playing vinyl
Uggh, vinyl! 
What is Happening?
How old are the speakers? I wonder if you have a crossover issue somehow? 
Insurance - your experiences
I wondered about this in the past myself. I told my insurance agent what I had and asked if they needed a detailed list or photos and he told me, "Nope, if it's in your home it's covered".  I take him at his word since he owns the Agency.  
cec tl-5 oem usa version
kully560,I have just recently been considering selling my CEC TL-1X. If you’re still looking let me know. 
Lumin upgrade - built-in or separate DAC?
@veerosYou asked: " falconquest. Do you have one of these 432 EVO? I was reading another post where someone mentioned Wolf server, but no info is scarce on them."Sorry for the late reply but I first ran across this server while researching Lumin.... 
All NEW Technics SU-R1000 Reference Integrated AMP //ALL NEW TECHNOLOGIES NOBODY ELSE HAS!
Don't trust anyone that wears white shoes! ;-) 
Oppo 103D streaming issues
An update: I recently purchased a network switch which allows me to hard wire the Oppo as opposed to using wifi. I still have issues streaming Youtube. It always hesitates during any opening commercial and sometimes wil freeze up during a video. T... 
Holo Audio May DAC
I have the original Holo Audio Spring Kitsune Edition Level III DAC and I don't find it bright at all. I chose this DAC for it's musicality and it hasn't let me down. I'll have to check out the new "May". 
ls FM radio even listenable any more?
I haven't listened to FM radio for music in years. I do listen to NPR news but that's about it.