

Responses from falconquest

432 EVO
I would like everyone to know that I started this thread based on my research into this streamer and wanted to get an idea if there was anyone else out there that had heard of it or had one to offer information. I knew that audiotroy would be the ... 
Innuos Zenith Mk3 vs Zen Mk3 + Phoenix
@antigrunge2 Ya gotta admire honesty. LOL! 
How much overhang is ok between a speaker base and the stand top plate?
Personally I prefer an ample amount of overhang but there can't be too much. I believe in a good balance between overhang and firmness. Good support is crucial! 
The most criminal practice in the speaker industry revealed!! Keep reading
@kenjit Who’s this “we” you’re talking about? 
I bought another Class D amp and didn't get what I paid for!
Great stories! I appreciate the thread and I believe this is how everyone should live their life. Do the right thing always and be gracious when something comes your way that is a good bargain. The former leads to the latter I believe. 
432 EVO
@djones51,Thank you so much for hijaking this thread and making it all about you. You must be pleased to have so much attention. Were it not about attention you could have simply stated "I don't see the significance of 432hz so I don't get the rel... 
432 EVO
"I did read their website and the "details" they point out are mostly twaddle. "That's what I have been seeking in my system design is twaddle. The more twaddle you can get in your system the better I hear.  
432 EVO
Conspiracy? What conspiracy? 432hz tuning is real just as any other form of tuning. What is your issue djones? I started a thread to share information and you're acting like it's some nefarious plot. If you're not interested in this streamer that ... 
432 EVO
432 EVO
As with any product from Europe that makes it's way to the U.S., I'm sure that will be worked out just like Sonus Faber, ATC speakers or Dartzeel amps etc. I would like to see the review that mentioned a wiring concern. I'm all for learning as muc... 
432 EVO
Hmmm, so the server of choice is of no consequence and the fact that it can play music at 432hz doesn’t matter? I see. As the thread indicates, just trying to gauge interest. 
432 EVO
Do you have experience with both? Curious why you would recommend the Innuos here? 
Holo Audio May DAC
Alright, please stop. You're making me want to upgrade my Kitsune  Holo Audio Spring for the new May. This is not a good time! ;-) 
Yes, please let support know about this! Suggestion....don't click on ads. 
My #@%$ Cat Destroyed My ARC REF 5SE. Soliciting Suggestions.
" Hi, I am sorry for your loss but I am not a big ARC fan now for many years! "Hi, sorry for your loss but I am not a big cat fan now for many years! As a matter of fact I’m no longer a pet fan. Don’t need them. Had horses, dogs, cats, birds etc. ...