
Responses from erik_squires

Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
ctsooner kind of proves my point. :)  That's a lot of upgrading to make a source sound good. I'm sticking to my Logitech Squeezebox until the Zombie apocalypse happens, thank you very much.  Then I plan to walk into an empty audio store and pick u... 
Will an Isolation Transformer Help My Digital?
I agree, it's more likely you have a bad device. This sounds like a digital power supply nearing the end of it's life.  Getting a noise isolation device is just going to mask the problem until smoke comes out the top. :) Best,Erik  
What makes an expensive speaker expensive
Well, if we are now talking about what makes an upgrade expensive, I read online, but never verified myself, that B&W has a couple of very closely related lines.  The higher end line is identical except for a Mundorf MKP replacing the default ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
So a couple of the worst sounding reproductions I’ve heard came from a Mac Mini. Not sure if it was really a Mac issue or coincidental. One was with the Oppo high end headphone DAC/Amp. The other was the sound of an Ayre QB-9. I love Ayre and the ... 
Attack of the Clone Amplifiers
I bought a set of ICEpower 250's from Parts Express, I traded all my Parasound A23's out after listening.  I couldn't hear a difference and the ICEPower units cost a lot less to run in a smaller space.  I think that spoke well for Parasound AND IC... 
Sopra No.2 Overpriced?
Ejr:That makes perfect sense to me. :)  Now imagine if you could build your own, what kind of speakers you could afford. :) Best,Erik  
Why should i be a fan of Revel speakers?
Revel’s get praise for having such a wide listening area, and they sound pretty good. Listen to them yourself. I would suggest play some horn music as well, sax and trumpets. In the demo I heard I heard things I didn’t like there. You should use y... 
How about a Parasound P7 + Oppo + miniDSP nanoAVRMuch cheaper. :) I listened to the NAD Master Series DAC and was hugely disappointed, but it was cold. Still, shiver, very hard and blurry treble. 
Integrated Match to Focal Spora No. 2
Hi Stevizzy,I am a huge fan of Scanspeak, and that is who they have sourced their drivers from. They now use custom driver materials though. Also, I have toured their factory. They use the highest grade Mundorf crossovers. Or rather, they match th... 
Integrated Match to Focal Spora No. 2
Hi Stevizzy! I've not looked at the Sopra crossovers, but the curve looks familiar to me. Take a look at this analysis for the Focal Profile crossover. Scroll down to "Bogus Woofer Cap" and look at the schematic there.  See if you have something s... 
Best Used Speaker Under $4,000 w/ Respectable Lows
My goto affordable speakers are Monitor Audio, but with your requirements, maybe a TAD or JBL professional monitor?  
What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?
If I had to buy used... Sonus Faber Cremona Elipsa or Stradivari with a Dirac Live DSP before my DAC. :-) Main reason is they are stunning, second I love the tweeters they used, not to mention the overall performances. :) I would spend around 2k o... 
Please Buy These Speakers!
You might want to take this request over to the DIYAudio forum's classifieds.  Lots of DIY'ers there may be interested.  
Revel F208 by itself or F206 with a sub?
My usual advice is, large floor standers are easier to make sound well than satellites plus a sub.  Subs are demanding and difficult to make sound great.  If you are willing to take the time though a sub  can be pretty awesome with any speaker, bo... 
The illusion of soundstage.
Altering the relationship in time of one frequency to another is quite easy to detect with the right tools. It's quite easy for you to measure using something like Room EQ Wizard as well. However almost all of this is caused by the speakers themse...