
Responses from erik_squires

Any actual use of Pono Player through balanced connection into home stereo?
I have not used the balanced outputs, except briefly at a demo. To my ears the Pono sounds a lot like the Ayre preamp and CD player, if that helps.  If you like that sound, you'll like the Pono. Best,Erik  
Strange Oscillation
Interesting. One thing to do is to try it with the speakers disconnected.  Play through the piece, in a manner you are sure creates the problem, then connect the speakers.  Is the oscillation there? If so it's entirely electronic.  If not, it's el... 
Rhythmic L12 vs. SVS SB-1000
I'm a big fan of the Hsu line, especially the "convertible" VTF-15H series, with variable Q and variable configuration (ported, dual ported, sealed). Beautiful to look at in addition to supremely powerful and capable subs. Best,Erik  
What to do?
I wonder if it's in fact induced in something else.  That is, if the problem is really with noise being picked up by another unit, not the Peachtree itself.  Do you have anything on top of it, or an odd wiring situation? Are your speakers particul... 
???Why The HUGE Discrepancy in Sensitivity Ratings???
Well  aww shucks!! No ones ever offered to carve my words in stone before.  Im flattered.Erik 
Best Media Player
I’ve never heard a Mac Mini, even when heavily modded, sound good. Playing an Oppo (only heard once) and Ayre QB-9 (which I usually love the sound of) in each case the sound was brutally hard on the top end, no idea why. Currently using Logitech S... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
I've said this before, and I'll say it again.  The problem with subwoofer integration isn't the speakers, it's the room.  Solve that and you can seamlessly match with any speaker. The notion that planar speakers (of any kind) are difficult to inte... 
At some point in the chain the digital information must be converted to analog, so part of the question really is which has a better DAC, not which has a better connector. In addition to the quality of the DAC, there's also the issue of room corre... 
???Why The HUGE Discrepancy in Sensitivity Ratings???
FYI, sensitivity and efficiency are two different things, and is rarely the same for any given speaker.Efficiency is measured at 1 Watt, and is also called "Power Efficiency." Sensitivity is measured at 2.82 Volts and is also called "Voltage Sensi... 
Anybody else using a distributed array sub system?
My biggest objection to the distributed array idea is that you have to be willing to give up everything for the sake of the subwoofer locations, and of course you have more subwoofers and more wiring. From a practical standpoint, I'd much rathe... 
From a Close Minded Audiophile--Sumiko S5 Subwoofer Helps
What I think Bob is saying is that low frequency distortion is kind of inversely related to driver size. The only way to get clean distortion free, low bass is with lots of surface area. Few report it or measure it, but fortunately SoundStage does... 
From a Close Minded Audiophile--Sumiko S5 Subwoofer Helps
All speakers roll off eventually, so you don't necessarily have to high-pass filter the mains. However, your amplifiers still have to pump out the same amount of effort as if there was no subwoofer, so you don't get the benefit of higher dynamic r... 
From a Close Minded Audiophile--Sumiko S5 Subwoofer Helps
The minefield in most rooms is the below 100 Hz, if not the below 40 Hz area, where room modes are most likely to be excited. Since most floor standers cut out around this region, they are less likely to get into problems.  So, less setup drama, b... 
Speakers Women Like
You can have the cabinet made by Lee Taylor. The only thing after that is the crossover, and that can be purchased fully assembled from Madisound.  If you can install a speaker in a car, this would be a piece of cake. Best,Erik 
Help me replace my beloved Wilson System 6
The Magico S1 Mk II + Subwoofers + room treatment will beat all of those sound and looks wise for significantly less if you have the floor space to let them breathe.  They have a better, smoother and more lively top end. than any of those listed, ...