

Responses from elberoth2

Help w/sale to Ireland, please. Need quick answer
If the buyer does not pay the latter costs, UPS's brokerage arm will look to you for those amounts. So price the sale accordingly. If the buyer does not pay local taxes, he will not get the item. The item will be returned to the seller. There is N... 
Help w/sale to Ireland, please. Need quick answer
If he does not have any feedback, I would advise against PayPal and go with wire transfer. Much safer for you. 
Help w/sale to Ireland, please. Need quick answer
Does the seller have any feedback ? 
Audio Aero Capitole Reference SE
I have never tried the RCA or XLR/RCA outs. I always stayed balanced, becouse of the system/cables I have had at the time.As I said before - the only meaningful difference is between regular and SE/Signature models. The sound much more transparent... 
Audio Aero Capitole Reference SE
I have had at home 4 out of 5 AA Capitole players (and owned 2 of them):Capitole mk IICapitole mk II SECapitole Reference (which really should be called mk III)Capitole Reference Signature."SE" on the old model and "Signature" on the new model is ... 
Audio Research ref3, vtl 7.5 vs FS paramount MKII
A friend of mine, who also has Accu A60 (although he uses two of them bridged) auditioned several preamps in his system, and went with Ref 3. 
Comparison Cary 306, Wadia 581, EMM Labs CDSA
I wonder if the new CDSA will be a true SACD player. The Mediatek digital transport used in the original CDSA was not able to output pure DSD signal, but converted it to 88,2kHz instead (and then upsampled it to 2x DSD). 
Accuphase DP-700?
It may take a while if your dealer doesn't have one in stock - they are heavily backordered worldwide ... 
Accuphase DP-700?
As I said in another thread - I will post my impressions in "Reference DACs" thread - it will be a longer writeup, which just takes time to write. 
Comparison Cary 306, Wadia 581, EMM Labs CDSA
Arthur,I will post my impressions in Reference DAC thread - it will be a longer writeup, which just takes time to write. In short, MBL have had a certain forwardnes in the upper midrange/lower treble, which I did not notice at first, but made me s... 
Comparison Cary 306, Wadia 581, EMM Labs CDSA
I have had the 505 at home for couple of days. I did not really like it - it sounded too bright to my ears. In my system, I much preferred Accuphase DP-78 and ARC Ref CD-7, which I ended up buying. ARC is not SACD capable, so they would left you w... 
Accuphase DP-700?
I have one at home right now. Sounds promissing. BTW - how much does the DP-700 retail for in the US ? 
EMM player vs. separates??
I would also like to hear from ppl who have tried both in their own systems. 
opinions on Krell EVO transport vs.SACD Standard?
I have had 505 on loan and can confirm that the new transport is superb - fast and quiet. 
Anybody heard Krell SACD mkIII?
It uses the rom drive from the Evo 505 CDP. It is said to be trouble free.