

Responses from elberoth2

Micromega DUO DAC TDA1541a sell? mod?
Here is the link:http://lampizator.eu/Nonoversampling/NOS.html 
ARC Ref 3: Tung-Sol 6550 in power supply?
Marco_esposito - your findings seem to confirm what Guido has written before - the current production TungSol 6550 (so called "reissue") does not bring a net benefit compared to SED 6550C.When I was talking about the improvment I got by inserting ... 
Krell SACD, DVD Standard, Showcase, KAV 280CD
The input voltage is switchable on all Krells. If you do not have the freq issue (some units were sold with 50/60Hz chips from the factory), you do not need the step-down transformer. Ask your dealer to help you switch the voltage or search the net. 
NAGRA VPA monoblocks
Very good amp. A close friend of mine owns a pair. 
Musical Int. Amp that has exstended natural treble
Mac MA6900 has all the qualities you are looking for, but is much more expensive than the Krell you tried. Excellent HF-extension and air, lots of texture, very good depth. It is not as dynamic or articulate in the bass as the 400xi though. 
what ARC combo- Ref 1/Ref 110 or Ref 3/VT 100 MK3?
IMO LS-26/Ref 110 is the way to go. The LS26 is close enough in performance to Ref 3 to consider it as an option on a limited budget. I'm Ref 3/Ref 110 owner. 
Micromega DUO DAC TDA1541a sell? mod?
You can perform a no-oversampling mod on it. 
Krell KAV400 VS Musical Fidelity A300 A 3.2 A3.5
Dave - you cannot "store" a musical signal in a cap. This, quite simply, is not possible from the technical point of view. I know the concept behing Krell crossovers, since I have spoken about them with Dan-the-Man himself. My understanding is tha... 
Krell KAV400 VS Musical Fidelity A300 A 3.2 A3.5
Dave,I'm not your next Krell basher. In fact, I have owned some of Krell gear in the past, and I still use KAV-400xi/280CD combo in my office system. But what you have said is simply not true. This is some marketing mumbo-jumbo. I have toured Krel... 
Krell KAV400 VS Musical Fidelity A300 A 3.2 A3.5
The Res 2's have Amplifier Capable Crossovers which help the amplifier drive them...massive energy storage in the crossovers that is released as needed without having to wait for the current delay from the amp. My Oracle V2.2 spkr cables also oper... 
Next step after B&W 802D
I would suggest Wilson Audio Sophia II speakers. I have heard a direct comparo between Sophia II and Nautilus 800D (so even more expensive model than 802D) anc clearly prefered the Sophias, which I bought eventually. To tell you the truth, I was s... 
Player without preamp
Depending on your budget, you may go for Audio Aero Capitole mk II (~$4000), Resolution Audio Opus 21 (~$2400) or one of the many Wadia CDPs. 
Playback Designs MPS-5 CD/SACD Player
Wow, that was one great report ! 
Does anyone know who can repair a Theta Miles CDP?
Theta Miles is heavily based on a Pioneer CDP (PD-S502 if I'm not mistaken).You may try sending it to some Pioneer techs - it may be a simple transport problem.Just a thought. 
Halcyonics under my tt. Wow
I already have the AHP (HiFi Tuning) Klangmodul 3+ circuit breakers. Never tried the fuses though. I will have to check them out.