
Responses from edesilva

OK 2 use different OT taps for 2 sides of 1 amp?
Whups. Reversed my directions. Sub "vertical" where it says "horizontal." 
Does anyone's cable TV provider offer HDTV?
I was under the impression that the majority of the programming on HDNet, as well as what is/will be on Discovery HD is organic HD... 
Does anyone's cable TV provider offer HDTV?
Comcast is either in a trial, or just finished a trial of HDTV in the Northern VA area--Alexandria & Arlington. I haven't paid too much attention b/c I went for DirecTV and now have to wait out the 1 year subscription period anyway. 
Waves On My Plasma
Are you watching Discovery Channels "Oceans of the World"? Change channels and the waves may go away...Seriously, since no one else has responded, have you tried a power line conditioner? If you are sure its a power line issue, I probably would ha... 
Best music for romantic interlude
I always thought Roxy Music's Avalon was universally recognized as "the" make out album... 
Bought Wilco and Cowboy Junkies this weekend....
YHF is a strange one. Bought it a while back, and I think the first time I played it (while driving) all I got was "I am an American aquarium drinker" and a bunch of dissonant openings. Then, found it in my car again on a long drive to NYC, and it... 
Speakers with Audio Research LS25MKII & VT100MKIII
What's your $ range? I've run my VT 100s with both my old ProAc Response 2s and I've bi-amped my new ML Prodigy speakers with a pair of VT 100s. The ProAcs are monitors, probably available for ~$1K, although there are newer models. That combinatio... 
5 way binding post connection advice
I recall with my ProAcs, they recommended the use of untinned bare wire. I believe the owner's manuals indicated that once tighted down hard, the post cuts into the copper, creating a oxygen-free seal. If you are really worried about it, you could... 
A'gon Transactions, Risk of Loss?
I think the emphasis on cashing the check is overstated. The buyer can legitimately reject the goods for many reasons, including, for example, if it is misdescribed, and the A'gon community accepts that. The seller doesn't get away with misreprese... 
I Hate to Admit It
I think I saw a thread on A'gon a little while ago about external DACs for computers--hmm... try this:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?icomp&1035756620&read&3&4&I think the Mac and Windows iPods are pretty different. Goo... 
Red Rose Anyone?
If he is looking for that certain cache, the decision to retail some of the line via amazon.com seems strange. Ran into a bunch of "Red Rose Music Spirit" line stuff on their site. It struck me as odd at the time, even odder given comments above... 
I Hate to Admit It
I had similar bad experiences with MP3s, but now am a quasi-convert. I use them in my iPod, and its OK for commuting purposes. Since I had the MP3s on my computer, I also hooked the computer to my stereo (Quicksilver monos/ProAc RS2s) in my study,... 
Is it worth it?
I'd second the ProAcs--they are fast and accurate, and don't try to compensate for being monitors by bloating out the mid-bass. They are also voiced with ARC electronics, so a good match with what you have. I loved the sound of my Response 2s with... 
Looking for Silent Fan Cooling f my ARC Tube AMP
My VT100s have fans in them. Fairly quiet ones, too. Given the cost of retubing one of those guys, I hope I'm not developing "micro cracks!"Might check an electronics parts outfit, the fans look like the 5 1/2" ones found in computers. I think the... 
Opinions on ARC VS-110 amplifier
I went to the ARC site to check out the VS110, having only seen before the VS55. Did anyone else notice the M150? SS modular amp. Says it can accommodate 7 "modules" of 150 W into 8 ohms each. It then goes on to say "pairs of modules may be bridge...