
Responses from edesilva

Earbuds & Motion Sickness?
Damn. I was afraid of that. I was hoping to hear a chorus of responses like "you must have a stomach bug" or "you must have gotten a seat without good suspension" or something.Bummer. Wonder if I can use 'em on an airplane without that effect. 
2 channel tube preamp for a HT receiver?
Tpao--wouldn't that run the 2CH signal through, effectively, two preamps? In other words, signal goes in the AVR then to the tube pre, then back to the AVR, then to the amps, no? If the goal is better sound, I like the concept of using a second se... 
How to copy cassette to CD
I think many pieces of CD burner software have built in some facility to hook up a 1/4" mini plug compatible input source and do A to D conversion on it to a wav. The wav can then be written to CD. Check the back of your computer to see if there i... 
2 channel tube preamp for a HT receiver?
Try this thread--http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?bhome&1033239358&openusid&zzEdesilva&4&5#EdesilvaOne concept is use one set of DVD outputs to go to 2CH preamp, and the other set to go to HT Rcvr. The FR/FL pre-outs fro... 
I need 'decent' speakers for my cheap system
My recollection was that when I looked at Vandy's years ago, they were a lot more sensitive to room placement in the sense that they really didn't like being in corners or, for that matter, anywhere *near* a corner. I know, ideally, most speakers ... 
FedEX Ground, sure they aren't really BROWN???
I was under the impression that FedEx ground contracted with different local delivery services in different areas. I had to pick up a FedEx ground package and picked it up in the DC area from an outfit called Worldwide. If they are using different... 
How do I bi-wire and bi-amp?
As long as the gain of the amps matches, you don't need the same number of "watts" on the high and low side if you horizontally bi-amp... I was actually thinking of switching from from horizontal bi-amping with two ARC VT100s (100WPC tube) to a si... 
How do I bi-wire and bi-amp?
Jim-The ML XO is in the speakers. I'm not using an XO prior to the amps... Being a tech dilettante, I assumed that a bi-wire capable speaker meant that the internal speaker XO is a high pass filter and a low pass filter that get split when you rem... 
How do I bi-wire and bi-amp?
Patrick--the LF part of the signal going to the "High" input gets filtered out by the internal XO in the speaker. Same with the HF part of the signal going to the "Low" input of the speaker.In my situation, the internal speaker XO can't be taken o... 
How do I merge home theater into my 2 chan setup?
Hmm... I the situation I outlined, the Audio CD signal of the CD/DVD isn't going through 2 preamps, only one. Think about the respective paths for the front channels for 2CH and HT...CD/DVD is connected to 2CH Pre via analog out, 2CH Pre then goes... 
How do I merge home theater into my 2 chan setup?
Looked at my last response and it seemed a bit complicated. Let me try again. If your normal 2CH rig is:LP Out -> 2CH Pre/LP InCD/DVD Out1 -> 2CH Pre/CD In2CH Pre Out -> 2CH Amp In2CH Amp Out -> Main Spkr L/R InYou can incorporate HT b... 
How do I merge home theater into my 2 chan setup?
There may be a simpler solution... I thought most audio preamps these days have a processor loop (or a tape loop, even) that could be used to switch in and out either a dedicated HT processor or a whole HT pre/processor. Even if yours doesn't have... 
How do I bi-wire and bi-amp?
Bi-wiring is just running separate speaker cables from the single terminal on your amp to the two sets of terminals present on bi-wire compatible speakers. Doesn't have to be special "bi-wire" cable--you can run two sets of normal speaker cables i... 
Tube amp for planar speakers and SS pre
I'm currently horizontally bi-amping a pair of ML Prodigy speakers with two ARC VT100IIIs. I was originally thinking about using a D400II to vertically bi-amp and drive the bottom end, but the bass I get is pretty tight as it stands... 
link between speaker and floor
I'll second Sean's comment--especially with regard to soft change. I had a pair of ProAc RS2s on Target RS4 stands (filled with sand) and the four spikes on each Target punched through the pennies I used in no time. Wasn't even that heavy... Figur...