
Responses from edesilva

Best big flat screen under 4k
Try the plasma forum at http://www.avsforum.com. Those guys are to video what a'goners are to audio. A couple of the names I keep hearing for plasmas in that range are Panasonic (might exceed budget) or Pioneer. The Pio 433CMX or 403CMX (or someth... 
Decent receiver w/an alarm function?
I tried the whole timer on stereo thing back in college with bad results; slept through half a final on linear spaces. Tried the old school alarm clocks too--I can sleep through that. The shrill shriek of the Nak, on the other hand, seems to do th... 
1080i ?
The monitor itself dictates whether it is capable of displaying a particular format--check the user manual. The number--1080, 720, 420--are the number of scan lines shown. The letter--p or i--says whether the signal is progressive (all scan lines ... 
hey besides exact audio copy...what about burning
The netgear USB NAS sounds very intriguing--is there public info on it anywhere? The one issue I have with that my bad experience with an external drive. My Maxtor 120GB drive crapped out after 6 mo., and while they replaced it, I just don't trust... 
Martin Logans and Smokers
I would be very loathe to spray anything on the ML panels. Soaps and detergents can de-ionize the panels. I was talking to an ML tech about an issue with the panel on one of my surrounds (new house, turns out the freaking outlet didn't work--d'oh!... 
Toslink to SPDIF RCA digital converter
If you want a cheap option, look at the M-Audio C02. Bidirectional conversion with two in, two out. I used to use one for conversion of signals from my PS2 and XBox. 
hey besides exact audio copy...what about burning
Why wouldn't an audiotron be able to access an NAS box? 
hey besides exact audio copy...what about burning
Until I can find a nice, quiet, NAS RAID 10 or 0+1 set up with 1TB (guess I need 4 500MB drives) of storage for a decent price, I'm stuck with mp3s instead of wavs and a backing up my files on a separate hard drive. Because my mp3 "server" is on a... 
Anyone still do insightful or intelligent lyrics?
Ryan Adam's prior band, Whiskeytown, is basically his lyrics--Faithless Street is a great album. I'll also nominate Townes van Zandt and Gram Parsons (Rtn of the Grievous Angel in particular) and, in a completely different vein, Bad Religion and S... 
How do I replace an outlet?
You can easily electrocute yourself with home electricity, so if you have any doubts about what you are doing, hire a pro. With that caveat, the first thing to do is make sure the outlet you are swapping out is OFF AT THE CIRCUIT BREAKER. Plug a l... 
Good ripping program - no compression
I'll second (third? fourth?) the votes for EAC--its a "beta" in name only and works far better than anything else I've tried, and I've tried a slew of rippers... 
marantz rc2000mkii remote help
Check out http://www.remotecentral.com 
Dish satelite vs Cable quality?
Face it, signal quality and program availability of HD on digital cable is going to depend upon your local provider and the signal you get in your house (how far are you from the headend, how much loss). Program availability of DirecTV/Echostar is... 
hdtv progressive scan
Some HDTV is progressive scan. HDTV formats are 720p, 1080i, and 1080p, although no one seems to have produced anything that is 1080p. In those designations, the "p" stands for "progressive" versus "i" for "interlaced."If you buy an HDTV monitor, ... 
DVD Player with Component Video Switching?
For $159, this works pretty well for me:http://www.copperbox.com/lite/popinfo.php?lc_code=1154&PHPSESSID=bd2d1f636139c77d206b55ba75cb1a75