
Responses from edesilva

Recommend speakers
I just picked up a pair of Triangle Titus speakers for a graduation present for my brother. While the Titus speakers are small monitors below your price range ($500), they also do some others closer to your range--e.g., the $1200 Zerius. I was pre... 
PsAudio 300?
I was looking at some power protection/cleaning as well, also thinking PS300 or 600, and read the comments with interest. What do you guys do for your amps, if they aren't plugged into the PS units? I was kind of wondering whether I'd cross their ... 
SS amps. Why so much power?
Maybe I'm way off base here, but isn't part of this the way that amps clip? I always thought SS amps clipped in a manner that sounded "bad" and therefore having lots of headroom to deal with transients is "good". 
To Bi or not to Bi? That is the question
I was looking for a high quality Y connector and the options seemed to be solid Y splitters, which effectively mean you have to buy 3 interconnects for each channel plus the solid Y, or getting one built. In my quest, however, audioelectronicsuppl... 
Solid Steel Racks?
The delivery times are pretty long on the Solidsteel racks, but they are awesome--look great, solid as can be. I love my H.6 and H.6 Partner... 
Rock musicians with musical education.
I heard a story once that Robbie Robertson from the Band was classically trained and, to avoid parental disappointment, required Danko and other members of the Band to initially pay him a nominal fee so he could claim with a straight face that he ... 
Amplifier Orientation?
Thanks all. Didn't seem intuitively like an issue, but I wondered, and the points you raise make more than a little sense. I didn't think about the effect on the upper circuit board, for example. I'd always seen base down tube configurations, but ... 
Personal amp evolution
Geez, you guys started out a lot higher on the audio food chain than I did. The evolution of my main 2CH rig:Lafayette kit SS integratedTechnics ? receiverYamaha AX100Adcom 555 Mk IIQuicksilver Silver Edition Mono ampsARC VT-100 Mk III (current)2n... 
Jeff, can't you just leave the "obo" off your sale item? Perhaps I'm a rude dude, but if someone shot me a lowball offer on an ad I posted that didn't say "obo," I'd feel no compulsion to grace their message with a reply... 
Most compelling vocal you discovered in a movie?
The aria from La Wally from Diva. And, the choir piece from Empire of the Sun. 
Theta dealers in the Washington DC area?
An alternative is Sound & Vision in Baltimore. You might also try contacting Theta directly; after all, its likely a dealer is just going to slap it in a box and ship it up to Theta anyway. 
"Vertical" biamping
I was going through similar issues with VT100s and my ProAcs, so for an extra data point, I asked the US dist. He recommended horizontal, passive bi-amping. Never got around to tho', since I ended up with a new pair of Martin Logans. 
how to use same mains for ht and 2 channel?
A *lot* of preamps these days have a processor loop built in. You could run the LR Front off the preamp, hook the receiver into the processor loop, and run the HT surrounds and CC off the receiver. Then, hook whatever CD/DVD to the preamp. When wa... 
Theta Data II good transport?
While I've had tech problems with several Theta transports, I had some serious reliability problems with a Micromega Leader2 as well... and an old NAD... maybe I'm just hard on transports. 
What processor competes with best preamp?
I'd suggest putting the Theta Casablanca with the Xtreme DACs on your short list to listen too.