
Responses from edesilva

How can I get the best possible sound from my PC?
I have a bunch of mp3s I've ripped using EAC on my computer and ultimately run them through a Theta Pro Basic DAC. Since I wanted to use what I had on hand, the problem is that I've got a little MAudio Sonica USB to toslink converter at the comput... 
USB DA recommendation needed
When I was trying to do the same thing, there were a bunch of positive threads on the stereolink USB boxes:http://www.stereolink.comI had one, but, ultimately, I ended up ditching the stereolink in favor of an MAudio Sonica, which is basically a U... 
Bands who'se names describe thier sound.
Einsturzende Neubauten. Translated I believe it means "imploding new buildings." Somehow the fact that its in German makes it even more apropos. 
Why do digital cables sound different?
Sean, "departure"? What did I miss? 
How to run 2 tape decks off a Bryston BP25 preamp?
Could you run the pre-tape out to deck 1 in, deck 1 out to deck 2 in, deck 2 out to pre tape in? 
why distortion and what is the cure
I'm guessing its not a vibration issue, but simply overdriving your poor 12 W amp. You don't exactly have efficient speakers, so if you are trying to listen at high volumes (1 o'clock on my pre is deafening), your Sugden is probably running out of... 
Compatibility of products from Japan in US
The FM band allocation in Japan is different in the US. What did you expect? Its a problem with any radio not made for export into the US.Below 90 MHz in the US is mainly non-profit (PBS, college radio). Just tell everyone its a radio made for peo... 
Martin Logan Ascents -what rear speakers match?
Have you looked at the ML line? Scripts for surrounds, the Theater or Cinema center, and a range of subs... All matched to the ML sound... 
Anybody tried doubling up BiFocal XL?
My bifocals have an "H" and "L" imprinted on them, presumably corresponding to High and Low. Don't know whether there if a physical difference or not, haven't tried it the other way around. You might try swapping the "leg" of the cable you are usi... 
Songbook - essays on music
I'll second the recommendation, don't know what cosmic oddity caused me to be reading it at the same time. I'll note that it is not as trite as simply a recounting of "I like this song because it was on when I kissed my first girl" or "this is how... 
any integrated amps with seperate sub pre out?
Many integrated amps in a range of $ have a pre-out for subwoofer use. What is your budget? 
Have Outlaw 950/770, Want Kappa 8.1 or 9.1's
Jesus Emil, how loud did you crank those things up? I lived in the top floor of a heavy duty concrete apartment building (built in the 50s when I guess they were worried about atomic bombs or something) and still got complaints--apparently the sou... 
Can we have an "Ask Sean" catagory?
Well, in the vein of trying to give something back, you might try a simple nondisclosure agreement (NDA). The idea is to preclude a receipient of confidential info from disclosing or using it. Not perfect, since usually NDAs also have exclusions f... 
Have Outlaw 950/770, Want Kappa 8.1 or 9.1's
Don't worry at all.Very few speakers have a flat impedance. While there are others that can speak to this probably better, the impedance seen by the amp changes depending upon how far the drivers are extended. I used to have Martin Logans, which w... 
Speaker Suggestions for ARC VT100
I'm now running two systems in my house with ARC VT100s, both with ProAc speakers--Response 2s in my study and 3.8s in my living room. I played around for a while in my living room with big Martin Logans (Prodigy) and with small Martin Logans (Aeo...