
Responses from edesilva

What other obsessions do you have?
(1) Developing abrasions, stress fractures, and tweaked tendons while rock climbing. (2) Smashing fingers, achieving hypothermia and getting hit on the head with large blocks of ice while ice climbing. (3) Developing foot cramps and soft tissue in... 
Basic HDTV Question?
Plato-Depending upon where you live, you might still want to keep an eye open for an OTA HD tuner. The CATV box you get gets the HD feed from the cable, not OTA, so you are limited to what Comcast decides to use its bandwidth to carry. While Comca... 
Necessary Attire
Decidedly retro and low tech, suitable only for listening to vintage gear. You really need to step up to a pair of these:http://www.grivel.com/products/ra.php?ope=scheda&lang=en&cod=77.31You'll notice they provide both stereo and mono vers... 
any decent powered speakers?
I've got a bunch of mp3s ripped to a central server and Turtle Beach audiotrons hooked up to my main stereo, the bedroom Nakamichi clock radio, the Kloss Model 2 in the garage, and the stereo in the pool room. Mine is running over ethernet, not a ... 
Album cd or LP with best bass for new subwoofer
Not to return to the canonical Jennifer Warnes again, but I seem to recall that there is a track on _The Hunter_ that features a digeridoo (if I can spell at 8:30 AM). That goes pretty low... 
HDTV / FCC, website for recent developments?
My understanding is that HDMI is DVI+audio. There are some finer nuances relative to transmission distance that the avsforum folks can tell you about, but there are HDMI to DVI dongles that you can buy that make HDMI DVI input capable. I'm not sur... 
Best bit-rate for MusicMatch MP3?
No, 192 kbps is not the best sounding constant bit rate (CBR) coding...(BTW, "codec" is actually short for encoder/decoder.)The higher the bitrate, the better sounding mp3 you will generate. I think you may be able to go up to 420 kbps CBR with LA... 
Johnny Cash -- American II?
Thank you, thank you. Knew this was the place to go. 
Got iPod, how to hook up?
I think bwhite may have hit it--you may have a bunch of bad mp3s. I'm a windows user, so I rip with EAC and LAME using -alt preset extreme for making "portable size" mp3s. You might try just ripping to a WAV and seeing how that sounds. If the WAV ... 
Best bit-rate for MusicMatch MP3?
I use Exact Audio Copy (EAC) and LAME. There are instructions around for using LAME as an external call, which allows you access to more LAME switches. For mp3s, I use --alt preset extreme, a variable bit rate scheme that sounds better, to my ear,... 
Gain Matching of Amps
Thanks for the responses. Guess the answer is to dive in, see what it sounds like, and play around a bit. Nothing like trying to squeeze my head into the small space behind my racks and play with wires... 
odd binding posts won't fit spade or banana do i
My ProAcs actually came with a recommendation to use bare wire and some force when screwing down the connectors... According to their literature, when you screw down the terminals on bare wire, you actually deform the wire bringing metal to metal ... 
Best big flat screen under 4k
There is an excellent thread on the Samsungs at AVSForum:http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=256065My understanding is that the downside of DLP is bulb replacement and the rainbow shimmer observed by some (but not all) pe... 
Best big flat screen under 4k
Given that my 36" XBR clocks in at around 250 lbs, the 40" has to be a monster. The problem isn't just weight, its unwieldy to move since there isn't anything to grab. You might think that ain't a big deal, but how many times do you rearrange your... 
Best Amps for Martin Logans????
Here's a vote for ARC. I horizontally bi-amped my Prodigy MLs with a pair of ARC VT100 Mk IIIs and now downshifted to the same set up with Aeons. Tubes and ESLs are magic.