
Responses from edcyn

Is it Possible??
You got a perfect excuse to shop. I mean truly, really.  You want to sit in the sweet spot in front of the speakers for the best of everything a good system can deliver. Get hold of a dealer. Spend some bucks. 
How to listen /audition at audio shows?
As millercarbon sez -- You go to a room.  You audition...er...listen to what's on. Maybe you've brought something for them to play, but that's not crucial to the experience.  In any case, the vital question is do you like it?  Does it push your im... 
The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.
Let me get this straight... You were a member of the Dave Clark Five? In any case, I loved 'em. My Dave Clark Five LP seems to have gone MIA at the moment but me and my sister played the record all the time. I remember seeing them on several pop m... 
Tube vs solid state (with all apologies)
First off, I admit to being on my third set of tubes with the PrimaLuna integrated, but to me tube replacement for tube gear is the equivalent of getting an oil change or new sparkplugs/brake pads for your automobile.On the tranny side, I've had t... 
What song have you played the most?
Moonage Daydream, David Bowie.  Or is it Revelge, by Gustav Mahler, sung by Hans Rehfuss? 
Tube vs solid state (with all apologies)
When it comes to reliability questions in the tube vs. solid state argument, I can only say that over the years I've gotten more reliability from my tube gear than from my solid state gear. I ain't gonna name names here, but if pressed I might los... 
On Hearing and Sensory Adaptation
Thanks for the insights. 
How do you listen?
I just realized that I actually don't listen at 80db very often. It's usually closer to 75 or even slightly less. 
Whether to do anything about the limitations of our ears
As mahgister & oldhvymec say (or should I say sezez). You listen to your stereo to please yourself.  It ain't a visit to the ear doctor. 
A move has me thinking of a CD changer....?
I gotta say that streaming makes for a near ideal replacement for FM radio. You pay some monthly bucks and get a near limitless supply of music in the genre(s) of your choice. As bsion and ghd report, internet radio and FM stations can be accessed... 
How do you listen?
I'm happiest at about 80db. Sometimes a bit south of 80. Sometimes a bit north. It all depends on the quality of the recording or the style of music being played. My days of wanting to blast my stereo are now long past. 
Tube vs solid state (with all apologies)
All told, I guess I'm just a tube guy. I loved my genuine Pre-CBS Vibrolux dearly. With my Custom Shop "Pre-CBS" Fender Telly plugged into it, it gave me the finest twang in existence. It made my Les Paul roar. I sold the Vibrolux to a buddy who w... 
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
aewarren -- Or the clatter of the valves & the whine of the gearbox. 
Music Direct and my recent exoeriences
I strive to live my life guilt-free. I think I'm doing a decent job of it, too. I happily wag my finger at all the finger-waggers.   
Telling musicians to evaluate and choose their instruments in a “scientific” way?
I still get the shakes when I recall musical instruments I played at stores that were oh-so-wonderful but just a little north of my wallet's comfort zone. Science be damned.