
Responses from edcyn

Classical Music for Aficionados
Just finished listening to an Idagio stream of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony with the Pittsburgh Symphony conducted by William Steinberg. Recorded who knows when, sometime in the 1950s or early 1960s. Anyway, a compelling, full-blooded performance th... 
Audiophile virtues
@mahgister -- I'm at the tip of the top, of course. I'm also extraordinarily humble. So there!  
blue light arround glass tube its risk?
I’ve always liked the blue glow. I think my Quicksilver Monos did it. I’m almost certain my Fender Vibrolux tubes did it. What were those tubes anyway? 8417’s?  
Experiences by Owners of Lyngdorf Integrated Amps using the Room Correct feature
I remember auditioning a Lyngdorf room-correcting integrated at a high end store in L.A.'s Fairfax district. It did image well, but in the end it didn't make me want to part with my Primaluna.  If I remember correctly, it didn't sound quite as lux... 
Gamut Lobster Chair
It looks like it forces you into a neckhurting slump. It looks like it'll give you the type of sound you get when you cup your ears, and the eq is thrown off-kilter by keeping your ears from getting sufficient reflecting sound from a wall behind y... 
How do you decide what your next upgrade will be?
When I see an insult or a "ho hum" aimed at one of the components in my system. "Well...for an entry level component it's okay, but you'd really be doing yourself a big favor if..." Trouble is, I like my system just fine.  
Classical Music for Aficionados
Currently enjoying the heck out of "Il delirio della passione," an album of Monteverdi songs sung by Anna Lucia Richter. I found it featured on the home page of my Idagio feed. Great imaging. Great tonal quality. Performed with lots of drama and b... 
Tube integrated amp recommendations
I still enjoy my PrimaLuna Prologue One, bought oh-so-many years ago. An occasional spritz of Deoxit on the pots. A change of output tubes every few years. Beautiful instrumental timbres. More than enough 3-D and punch to keep this musician happy.... 
Bands/artists you never got to see live in their heyday, but would've liked to.
@jerryg123 I saw Amy Winehouse in concert and was impressed enough to buy her record.  
Live music you have attended that left impact....perhaps better than you expected.
@asvjerry -- I had a proper ticket to that Joni Mitchell/CSN+Y concert at the Greek. Famously, that's where Joni met Graham. I had disliked CSN prior to the concert and I went to it specifically for Joni. I was impressed enough by CSN's acoustic s... 
Bands/artists you never got to see live in their heyday, but would've liked to.
I might have mentioned this in a post, once upon a time, but I saw the Allman Bros. Band at UC Santa Barbara when I was there at college. Duane Allman and Dickie Betz relentlessly, endlessly traded riffs. It got to the point where I promised mysel... 
Bands/artists you never got to see live in their heyday, but would've liked to.
I've actually seen a good deal of the artists mentioned in this thread. I saw almost all of the rock acts that are mentioned, with the notable exception of Prince. I saw Ellington -- a model of grace and charm. I did, though, miss Coltrane, Bird a... 
Who Tried Power Conditioners Over The Years and No Longer Use Them Today, Any Why?
When my PS Audio  AC Junction box overheated and bit the dust, I replaced it with a generic TripLite box that happened to be in the house. Son of a gun, the stereo sounded better with the TripLite. I still though, connect the TripLite to my groovy... 
Audiophile virtues
The core of my hobby is exulting in orchestral string tone, inspired interpretations, and getting lost in the sheer emotion that music, all music, can deliver. I want the music to take me places, to different corners of the universe and different ... 
Live music you have attended that left impact....perhaps better than you expected.
I’ve seen a bunch of superb live musical performances in my day. The ones, though, that were truly transcendent and altered my taste were (Speak memory!) are...Springsteen at the Inglewood Forum.The Berlin Phil with Von Karajan at (where?) the Amb...