
Responses from edcyn

Lieder anyone?
I got my share of lieder on my shelves. I whistle/hum/yodel several lieder tunes when I drive my car...like Schubert's "Im Frueling." I love Ellie Ameling. It doesn't matter what tune she's singing.  I even dig Schoenberg's Gurrelieder. What can I... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I might have already mentioned this work somewhere in this thread, but try Symphony No. 1 by Florence Price. Available on Idagio in a surprisingly good-sounding recording on DGG. She's an African-American composer who worked in the early 20th Cent... 
Celestion SL6S
My tale involves my SL600's, not the SL6. I found them to be a bit bright, even with my Quicksilver Mono Amps. String tone was always just a tad thin. I also somehow managed to kill two tweeters.  Luckily, my dealer was able to install replacement... 
Alphason 100S tonearm tracking force adjustment
dover -- been there. Tried that twice. Each time they lose my identity and request that I sign up for them again. Yeah, the digital age intrudes on the analog age. Either that or they’re on to me.  
Alphason 100S tonearm tracking force adjustment
By cracky, did I just find the tiny allen screw on the side of the counterweight that, when loosened, might allow me to adjust the force? Do I dare to eat a peach?  
Alphason 100S tonearm tracking force adjustment
Thanks. I have yet to give it a go because it's not absolutely 100% clear what the thimble exactly is. Is it the black end-piece that fastens the counterweight to the arm? An educated guess at best. Is there a Brit on this website who might give m... 
CD transport vs.streaming
rvpiano -- Hey, we’re bruddahs! I got a CXN v2, too, a replacement for my now recycle-binned Mytek. Not quite as 3D as the Mytek was, but the tonality is wonderful. And it seems to work, too.😂 I’m listening happy to an Idagio stream of Stravinsky’... 
What does the word audiogon even mean?
I like the name of this website. The "gon" lends a touch of class, gravitas and science to our wretched, pocket-emptying hobby. 😎  
Your method for discovering great music.
As bdp24 sayeth...  
Guys talking about a Led Balloon
I remember when the first Led Zeppelin album was released. It got no end of snide, nasty write-ups. A couple days after the reviews came out, one of my buddies brought the LP to another buddy’s house for a mass listen. It was put on the parents’ s... 
How does solo piano help you evaluate audio gear?
I've owned and played my share of pianos over the years, but I also play the fiddle and I have to say that massed strings is the true litmus test for determining the ultimate veracity of a system. And when you're judging a system by a piano record... 
About users with hidden agendas
I genuinely like several dealers (including some of the more high pressure ones) and I'm not ready to diss anybody for wanting to post on this site. This site attracts a heck of a lot of highly intelligent folks. At the very least, I'm sure we can... 
Digital Audio Output Differences? Is USB Audio Really The Top-notch?
I use ethernet & optical links when I can, not USB. And yes, my superior ears (or is it my sheer gullibility?) tell me I indeed get better fidelity.  
The worst sentence in audio writing
I remember a spoof of a Hirsch-Houck review in an ancient, paperback-sized TAS -- "Of all the amplifiers we've reviewed, this has certainly been one of them."  
The worst sentence in audio writing
As what frogman sayeth...