
Responses from edcyn

What to play in the evening?
The beehive in my backyard buzzing Samuel Barber's Adagio for Stings.  
One guitar, or three?
Where did I see Emmylou and the Hot Band? Hollywood Bowl? Greek Theater? The Palomino Club in North Hollywood? In any case, not as tight as I wanted them to be. But I still treasure their LPs, 30+ years on. In any event, I gotta say that I do get... 
Celestion SL600 Expertise Needed
@mspot Thanks for clearing the confusion. It made me question my sanity. I think I previously posted once on the fact that one of my 600’s fell/got knocked off its stand onto the floor. It bent a corner. Didn’t make an iota of difference to the so... 
One guitar, or three?
I can only recommend a two-guitar band -- the Seventies punk/new wave band Television. Alarmingly evocative twin lead guitar breaks from guitar players Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd.. Alternately intertwining and at war. The album Marquee Moon ha... 
Celestion SL600 Expertise Needed
I had a pair of SL600's for years, but for the life of me I can't remember how the connections were organized. I seem to remember simple pairs.. Was there a running change during production? In any case, I had some of the first pairs they imported... 
Stylus Cleaning Rituals
For years I've been using a handsome, elegant nine volt powered device called simply "Professional Electronic Stylus Cleaner" but when I google the name I come up empty. In any case, you guys have gotten me paranoid. It never seemed to harm my Gra... 
Streamer vs renderer vs music server...help
What's an HMI?  What's an NUC? I guess my acronym IQ is sooooo Last Week.  
The price of used LP's.
I got zillions of original issue LPs but the worn jackets, I've found, pretty much destroy their value. In other words, I'm just gonna have to put 'em on the 'table and listen to them...  
Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?
@sandydennis11  I love Lisbon. Beautifully situated. Superb food. Friendly vibe.  
Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?
I'm currently streaming an absolutely lovely performance of a Mendelssohn quintet performed by the l'Archibudelli String Ensemble. On Idagio. I haven't a care in the world.  
Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?
Go to a high end outlet. Cruise a few mail-order websites. See what you can get for the total amount you want to spend. Read equipment reviews. Read Audiogon.. Chances are decent you'll be able to put together a system that'll please your ears and... 
For some " listening " reason, I cannot part with these.
@mrdecibel .Thanks for the support. My massive ego requires it...I tell ya, though, I don't like it when Otto (named for conductor Otto Klemperer) jumps onto the turntable when it's in play. No skips... After all it's a SOTA... But the wow is some... 
Using a mono speaker instead of stereo?
I fell hard for stereo the very first time I heard it. It was at a hi-fi show in the late 1950’s, I was about seven. i love it still. It’s by far my favorite iteration of hi-fidelity.  
For some " listening " reason, I cannot part with these.
Enjoy yourself! Indulge yourself!  
Best double live vinyl?
I listened to Lou Reed's Rock and Roll Animal for years.