
Responses from edcyn

How do you arrange the order of your records?
Single and double vinyl albums are divided between Classical, and Pop/Rock/Jazz. If I've got a bunch of a composer's records I'll divide those up between symphonies, piano concertos, etc. Then I've got a shelf devoted to Musicals, Soundtracks, MOR... 
How far down the Furtwangler rabbit hole did you go?
I have a DG vinyl box set of his Beethoven symphonies, but for the most part I just dipped my toe into the Furtwangler catalog. Yeah, I did have access to a lot of his recordings, thanks to my year or so working at Tower Classical Records in Holly... 
SQ or performance?
In general I'll choose an excellent performance over excellent fidelity.. But it really depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to hear what a particular group of singers & musicians have wrought.. Sometimes I want to dive into the soundstage, re... 
SQ or performance?
I'm like most of the rest of you guys. A stellar performance and stellar-quality music will always out-trump a lesser performance recorded with better fidelity. Luckily, though, I have many, many recordings that demonstrate that Holt's Law doesn't... 
When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.
@bdp24 Yeah, I agree about 45's. I've got a shoe box of them. The trouble is that a good half of them are terribly pressed. They can possess alarmingly spitty sibilants and surfaces as noisy as an old 78.. Center holes can be hilariously off-cente... 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Do you guys ever randomly cruise the classical music sites for stuff you've never heard of by composers you've never head of? Right now I'm enjoying the heck out of an Idagio stream of orchestral pieces by Wranitzky, a contemporary and supposed b... 
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
As waytoomuchstuff sez... Find a balance. Seek friendly improvements. After all, didn't you fork over all that cash to better enjoy the music?  
SQ or performance?
Perfection is elusive. I take the bitter with the sweet. And yeah, musicians do tend to smirk at the audiophile penchant for preferring recording quality over performance. Live and let live.  
When You Buy The Whole Album And Only Like One Song.
I've purchased more than my share of albums over the years to get that "one cut" only to discover that everything else on the record was, how shall I say, underwhelming.. It's one of the things that made me a regular at the used record store, gett... 
Audiophile Grade Wall Receptacle
I installed two PS Audio "AV Grade" receptacles when I built my dedicated audio room. I have no idea if they do anything special for the sound as I've never listened to anything else in that room. To be sure, they do grab the plugs tightly. It doe... 
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
I'm perfectly willing to turn the volume down if it'll make the music I want to hear more listenable.  By the same token, if I don't particularly care for the music but I'm compelled to listen because it's been recorded so insanely well, I'll turn... 
Can a great system make a mediocre recording sound good?
I go for systems that do their best to tell the truth but don't have a distorted hissy fit when a recordinging or pressing ain't perfect. True, nothing can help some of the grindingly bad 1960's 45rpm singles I own. But if the system has the where... 
One guitar, or three?
@bdp24 When it comes to Bluegrass I am definitely of two minds.I don't listen to Bluegrass very much when I crank up the stereo but I do actually play a lot of it. It tends to be the genre my fingers automatically gravitate to when I pick up my... 
High quality CDs
There are a lot of good suggestions here for quality CDs. I'd add Erato Records  and Todd Garfinkle's boutique label MA Recordings. Sure, a lot of MA recordings are more in the ethnic genre than out-and-out classical, but they are scrupulously min... 
Do you spend more time analyzing the sound of your system, worrying it could be better?
The only things I ever obsess over are spitty sibilants and screechy violins. And oh yeah, boomy bass. I enjoy the heck out of imaging and soundstaging, but if it ain't in the recording I ain't gonna go crazy.