
Responses from edcyn

Do you play any...?
I guess this is now the authorized "What Musical Instrument(s) Do You Play" thread. Here goes -- Steel string acoustic guitar. Definitely the instrument where I got chops. I have several axes. All good quality. I'm a finger-picking fool... A pre... 
Do you play any...?
Somewhere on this website there's a well-posted thread on this subject. Some admit to having little or no history or expertise on a musical instrument. Some have lots. The trouble is, the thread's title doesn't give much of a clue about all those ... 
Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?
I've never heard any perception of front-back depth while listening through earphones. To be sure, I've heard plenty of left-to-right and in-phase/out-of-phase trickery with headphones, but that's about it.  
The Good Stuff
@rok2id  That's the one!  
The Good Stuff
Florence Price's symphonies. I know I've mentioned her name before on this website, but right now I'm on Idagio, streaming performances of her First and Third Symphonies and truly lovin' 'em.  She's an African-American composer who was active duri... 
Huge difference in sustain in a single string?
I play several different string instruments, and when it comes to sustain I've never noticed much difference in the sustain of different string brands. To be sure, I've found that heavier gauge strings do sustain longer, but that's a different ket... 
Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?
I've mentioned this a couple times on this website, but I have several classical opera LPs where the characters wander around the stage as they sing, moving left to right, backwards & forwards, and sometimes going off stage as well. Choruses a... 
What is the VERY BEST CD album you've ever heard?
@lucky53 You induced me to put on my first-day-it-hit-the-stores LP of The Doors' L.A. Woman. To be sure, the opening cut is a little relentlessly hard-left/hard-right/center, but it's also pretty clean. Luckily, the second and third cuts are far ... 
un-becoming an audiophile
Just like The Fugitive's Lt. Girard used to say in the opening moments of the old television show. "I don't philosophize. I hunt." Putting it another way, I just can't help myself. I love listening to music, and I truly love it when I hear it on q... 
un-becoming an audiophile
I refuse to beat myself up black-and-blue over my silly habit. I enjoy the heck out of listening to my stereo and to all the music I've collected over the decades. It's a constant source of pleasure. I don't fret over the money I've spent on it ov... 
What is the VERY BEST CD album you've ever heard?
A lot of Todd Garfinkle's MA Recordings qualify. Off-beat international music minimally miked in carefully selected, acoustically lively locales.  
un-becoming an audiophile
Nitpick. But try not to get your knickers in a twist. Have fun with it.  
getting into streaming
I'm happy as a clam using my Windows laptop as the controller. It happily sits on my lap. It offers an image size comparable to that an old 10" record, so it's easy to read liner notes and gaze at the pictures the streaming services almost invaria... 
un-becoming an audiophile
If the sibilants aren't spitty and the violins aren't gritty I'm a long way toward nirvana. Add some imaging and I'm another large step closer.  
Has anyone bought Gold Aero PXB300 tubes from Upscale Audio?
Upscale is about as good a tube supplier I've ever used. By the same token, though, when I lived in L.A. I'd have endless fun prowling the various, dusty pro electronics shops for the things.