
Responses from edcyn

Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"
"I’m the seventh out of seven sons My pappy was a pistol I’m a son of a gun."   "I’m just average, common too. Just like him, the same as you. I’m everybody’s brother and son I ain’t no different than anyone. Ain’t no use talkin’ to me It’... 
un-becoming an audiophile
Hey, a few minutes ago I was on my back porch, merrily sawing away on the best of my three fiddles (none of which, BTW, are the least bit high-end). Letting my fingers do the walking, to borrow an old cliche. What can I say? Music just makes me ha... 
un-becoming an audiophile
I went to the violin/string instrument store and went ga-ga over a fiddle. The proprietress convinced me to just enjoy the considerably less expensive but still quality fiddle I’d bought there maybe eighteen months previously.   In any case, I t... 
Let's share key moments in our musical lives
Getting a pair of KEF Corellis. The ten dollar Tijuana-bought guitar I co-opted from my sister. Happening upon Mahler's Symphony #4 on the local radio station, one evening. Watching the Beatles on Ed Sullivan.  
un-becoming an audiophile
At least on this particular evening, I truly believe that it was my love of hi-fi that prompted me to dive into music-making myself. When I was a kid I loved my records and hated my piano lessons in equal measure. In keeping with this, the moment ... 
OMG Moment
Yeah, listening to it right now. Clean. Spacious. Fun! But with my set up, for better or worse slumping down only makes maybe a five percent difference. A tad more width but that's about it.  
un-becoming an audiophile
as @fertguy sez...  
what are your top "audio bargins" in your system history?
I wonder if the SL600's I donated to the local thrift store ever found an appreciative home. I wonder, too, how long the tweeters lasted, or if the new owner even gave a damn.  
un-becoming an audiophile
Do you like what's coming out of the thing?  Does it make you want to put on another piece of music after you've finished listening to what you've just listened to? Do you feel a stab of pleasure and anticipation when you first switch the thing on... 
Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops
I wish I were a magical King Midas with the ability to summon every musician I have a hankering to hear to my listening room. The closest I seem to be able to get to this, though, is my stereo. I guess it'll just have to do.  
Fender Blues JR IV or fender 94’ twin.
@bdp24 Thanks! Just Qobuzzed it up. I now feel worthwhile, not just some audio geek. Naturally I bought 'em both in the SFV. Norman's Rare Guitars. California Vintage Guitar & Amp. I can't remember which bought where.🙄  
Fender Blues JR IV or fender 94’ twin.
Not that this acoustic guy plays much electric guitar any more, but I’ve found electric guitar nirvana with my Carr Rambler. Yeah, the Pre-CBS Fender Vibrolux that I had for years gave me slightly better tone. But the Rambler is truly a honey of a... 
How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?
I'm retired and a lazy bum. I now live in a small town with few distractions. When the wife is around I respectfully lower the sound level or simply switch the stereo off. When I feel like playing one of my musical instruments it's little problem,... 
what are your top "audio bargins" in your system history?
@testrun  I remember my Spicas. They were quite excellent, but in time I went to Celestion SL600's, more than a little because the SL600's gave me near insane  3D. Anyway, when the SL600's eventually started going through one too many tweeter deat... 
Is a FLAT response the IDEAL?
Unfortunately, the word "flat" carries an unattractive connotation. The word implies dullness and lack of life. What it means in the hifi game, though, is truthfulness. It means that whatever music you put into the system, it’ll reach your ears wi...