

Responses from driver

Spade V/S Banana
Instead of delving into any purported sonic superlatives of either/or let me just say use the termination that you feel the most comfortable with. I personally have a set of spade to spade on one system & WBT banana to spade on the other becau... 
IC upgrade suggestions - 300 budget
I tried both HT's you mention & thought the Pro Silways were too bright. I liked the Truthlinks but they didn't have the detail like the Silways. I went on to the Stealth CWS & PGS which I really like and can recommend for excellent detail... 
What can you do about a nonselling seller?
having a situation to deal with. No comment really except to say to Jadem6-This did not start out as your discussion if that's what you are referring to. Or perhaps you are alluding to the discussion which took place regarding the discussion you w... 
My first amp purchase
based on your requirements & the type of music you listen to. There are excellent amps that are newcomers but a lot of people will tell you things haven't changed much, so even an older amp will sound quite excellent. Same goes for pre amps. Y... 
Jazz fans: free copy of "What is Jazz?"
Very nice of you to do this! 
Any funny audiofile stories???
When my children were 2 & 4 they decided to use the plastic tool kit Christmas present I had so thoughtfully purchased to adjust the VCR. When I walked into the room they were both laying face down in front of the VCR with the door up & a ... 
Monitor speakers for Plinius 8200
The 8200 will be able to run just about any speaker you buy in that price range w/o any problem, as it has 175 watts of clean power available. My suggestion is purchase something that sounds good with the 8200 & if & when you go with tubes... 
Bookshelf Speakers
I put a system in a back bedroom completely on shelves & bought all the shelves & brackets at Home Depot. I changed stuff around a few times but what I wound up with is the double track brackets with the 18" shelf brackets & used 2 pie... 
Therapy: Mechanical & Audio
Thanks for the good info! I'm checking into it all. 
Need help for wife acceptance
Tough spot you're in. Try & get your wife involved with listening to the music, even if it's something you don't care for. This could serve as a segue so you can explain how the positioning of the amps will contribute to a more musically sound... 
Where do you sit?
KP, I was trying to express a different point of view regarding the USPS. Having read the other reply in the other post you can tell that's what I was after. Since you brought it up again here I again replied with a different sort of comment.I wor... 
Where do you sit?
My favorite spot is in my rocking chair but the sofa is nice too. Hey KP, I'd listen right now except I'm going to work for the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE because it is a 24 hr./365 day a year operation. Yep, right now it's almost 8 pm Saturday ... 
What time do you wear?
I stopped wearing a watch 30 years ago when I was a teenager. Life really is too short to have it run by a clock. 
What to do... US Postal Money order not received.
else can handle the amount of mail the USPS does? They actually have a pretty good track record. A lot of the service does depend on the local office as Jvia mentioned.As for the most secure way to send something it is by Registered mail (sorry Sw... 
Two systems? Why?
I have a house with only one room big enough to put the stereo or HT in & had to make a choice. I returned to 2 channel after trying out HT for a year. It was OK but lacked the quality for those times when I wanted to do some serious listening...