
Responses from dopogue

"The Ground" by Tord Gustavsen Trio. Anyone heard?
I like it better than "Changing Places." Wonderful performances and gorgeous recording. Dave 
More Power is always good?
I disagree big-time with the Ian Masters article linked above, and not just because he disses tubes. In some 50 years of serious listening I have come to find that power output wattage, per se, is almost meaningless. No, you can't run a Wilson spe... 
A question about tracking/skating
Agree. You're trying to track WAY too light. 
Using the VPI SDS with non-VPI turntables
I still don't understand. There are various cheap strobe discs available and (I think) one you can download, and the lever on the Lenco to adjust the speed is there precisely for that purpose. Why do you hate to use it? A VPI SDS will allow you to... 
Using the VPI SDS with non-VPI turntables
The speed of the L78 is infinitely adjustable from 16 rpm to beyond 78 rpm. I don't see how it could be running at anything other than the correct speed (assuming you have a speed measuring device) after adjusting the lever on the left of the turn... 
This might be a stupid question,,but
Oops. Mea Culpa. I thought he meant ... well, whatever I thought, I was wrong. Yes, go with the digital cable. 
This might be a stupid question,,but
In a word, no. 
anybody driving Gallo Ref 3's with SET?
I'm running mine with custom built 12 wpc SET monoblocks (845 output tubes) and have PLENTY of power. Am using a Hsu 500A (500w) subwoofer amp on the bottom, crossed over at 43 Hz. Amazing speakers. Good luck, Dave. 
Other sub amp for Gallo Ref3 secondary voice coil?
I was contacted by a Ref 3 owner who had tried inexpensive subwoofer amps (sounds like the ones mentioned above, but I'm not sure) and found them too wimpy to do the job. They work, but without the authority of the Hsu and ( I presume) Gallo sub a... 
help, magnepan tonearm ,does anybody know.
You might try contacting "Mosin" over at the Vinyl Asylum forum of Audio Asylum ( I believe he has something like four of them. Good luck, Dave 
Help with outlet / powerstrip question
Unless you're a renter, you (and your system) will benefit substantially by having an electrician install dedicated lines. It's usually not as expensive as even a modest line conditioner. And unlike Steuspeed above, my line conditioners -- Tice Po... 
Other sub amp for Gallo Ref3 secondary voice coil?
My SET monoblocks (845 outputs, EL34 drivers. 6N7G inputs) designed and built by a friend, have huge trannies and the 12w output is conservative. They never run out of steam but are rolled off at the bottom so that they don't have to waste power t... 
Other sub amp for Gallo Ref3 secondary voice coil?
I gave up waiting for the Gallo amp and ordered a Hsu 500A (500w) subwoofer amp with a 43 Hz crossover module. I had a 30-day moneyback period to decide, and really like the thing. It's a SERIOUS amp and an ideal match for the Ref 3s, which I'm dr... 
battling the pops and clicks
There are usually a few pops and clicks on even the most pristine LPs, yet very few of the 3,000-odd records in my collection ever bother me in this regard. Obviously they bother you and will probably continue to do so until you (1) stop focusing ... 
Tubes for a Conrad Johnson 17LS?
Jtimothya, thanks for the info. I take it to mean that best results would come from using the same tube type in positions 1&2 and 3&4 rather than 1&3 and 2&4, assuming you have only two tubes of the same type. My unit is a 17LS2. Dave