
Responses from dopogue

el 34 vs kt 77
As far as I know, yes. Dave 
el 34 vs kt 77
Night and day all right, but the other way around :-)I was convinced that my Mullard EL34 xf1 and xf2 tubes were the best of the best until I tried the reissue Genalex/Gold Lion KT77s. These are used as driver tubes in my 845 SET monoblocks, so yo... 
Felt Mats or ???
I second the Boston Audio, after trying at least 8-10 alternatives, everything from two Herbies mats (different thicknesses) to felt to those gawdawful shelf-liner things :-) 
Company loyalty- What has been your favorite?
Mapman, what dealer?Recommendations: Soundsmith (Peter Ledermann), Aesthetix (Jim White), Morrow Audio (Mike Morrow), CryoParts (Lee Weiland) , VPI (the fabled "Mike"). 
Anyone used the jennings cd stylus scale
Nope, that's not the one I have. I agree, it looks totally cool. With any luck, it might even work :-) 
Gallo Ref 3.1 vs PSB Synchrony One
I would largely agree. Mr. Gallo might remember that some of the final pre-production work on the Reference 3s was carried out using 10 wpc amps. It's the quality of the amps, not their wpc, that matters most. And I gotta say, these things LOVE tu... 
Gallo Ref 3.1 vs PSB Synchrony One
Bostonbean, yes, I should have mentioned that. Sorry. I didn't use it for the first couple of years I had the Gallos, though, and hear no difference unless there's some really low bass present on the musical source material. Dave 
Gallo Ref 3.1 vs PSB Synchrony One
Bostonbean, well maybe. I've run mine on 12wpc SET monoblocks (granted, with huge transformers) for more than 4 years and have never felt the need for more juice. This is in an 18 x 40' room. 
Gallo Ref 3.1 vs PSB Synchrony One
Never heard the Synchrony, but I love the Gallos. I know what you mean about not being able to get the sound out of your mind, and they only get better the longer they're broken in. A friend of mind supposedly "traded down" from a pair of JM Labs ... 
Anyone used the jennings cd stylus scale
I have one, and if I were you, I wouldn't bother, It's a finicky little thing. The packaging is weird --the little platform where you place the stylus is packaged OUTSIDE the clamshell box, just begging to be broken off. Periodically it refuses to... 
Advice on Shure cartridge, please
Plastic in the cartridge dried out? Never heard that one before. Usually they say it's the stylus suspension. I've got several 30-40 year old carts that sound just fine (like yours). You can always replace the stylus assembly (it may take some tim... 
Which tubed pre to "flesh out" my mids???
I replaced a CJ Premier 17LS2 with an Aesthetix Calypso and couldn't be happier. 
Recommendations for solid core speaker wiring?
Another vote for the Morrow Audio wires. After trying more speaker cables than I can remember, these are staying in the system. Dave 
Aesthetix/Ayre recomended signal-/speakercables.
As a fellow Calypso owner, I'd recommend going all the way with Morrow Audio cables (sold here on Audiogon). In fact I have. 60 day moneyback, I believe. I used to spend megabucks for cables -- Kimber silver, topline AQ, Omega Mikro, etc. No more.... 
Lenco owners - arm/cart discussion,suggestions?
Mike, you can probably get away with an 18 x 24" platform IF the front-back distance between the bolt holes on your Lenco is sufficient (i.e., no more than about 16 1/2"). Dave