
Responses from dopogue

Preamp inverts phase question:
Benie, you're still missing the point that with respect to absolute phase (polarity), you are essentially at the mercy of the recording engineers and how any given disk was recorded in the first place. It would be wonderful if all disks were recor... 
Preamp inverts phase question:
Benie, again, since many discs are recorded in mixed polarity and the rest are half "normal" and half "inverted," I don't think your argument holds water. On the mixed discs, the polarity setting doesn't matter ( although I have discs where I can ... 
Outdated CD player
I went the new-DAC/old-transport route for a while, but the Raysonic CD128 is so much better sounding there's no comparison. Even plays the CD layer of hybrid SACDs better* than my old $3K Sony XA777ES (now sold) sounded on the SACD layer. These a... 
Preamp inverts phase question:
It only matters, Hifiharv, if it's audible. I could never hear polarity differences ("normal" vs "inverted") until I got my current speakers (Gallo Reference 3) which the manufacturer says "are very polarity sensitive." Most of my friends' systems... 
Preamp inverts phase question:
Easy test. Play a dozen LPs, CDs, and/or reel-to-reel tapes. After you listen each one, switch the speaker connections left-to-right (+ to -, red to black, whatever) on both speakers. Play again. Do you hear any difference in any of them? If not, ... 
Recommendation for vacuum tube CD-player
I should have noted the rave 6moons review of the Raysonic 128 and the later 168 model. Dave 
Recommendation for vacuum tube CD-player
Raysonic CD 128. Two friends have bought one after hearing (or hearing my raves about) mine. A superbly musical machine with the added benefit of XLR outputs (as well as RCAs). Sells new for $1850 or here on Audiogon for $1100-1200 used. I replace... 
Gerry Mulligan Ten-Tette
Chazzbo, since when did Sal Mosca play trombone?Grimace, I have the original 10" Capitol "Ten-Tette" album in pretty good shape (though I bought it new way back when and have played it a LOT over the years). In whatever incarnation, it's well wort... 
Worth refurbishing an old Nitty Gritty 1.0?
Thanks for the idea. I bought one of the first ones (Serial # 146) in the early 80s and a Record Doctor II (Audio Advisor's version of the NG 1) four years ago as a back-up in case the first one ever died. It hasn't, but it could sure use a little... 
recommended 6922 tubes for a moderate price?
I'm a giant fan of the JAN Philips 6922 ... BUT they won't work well in some circuits. I had a CJ Premier 17LS2 linestage, put a new quad of these tubes in it, and all four of them immediately went microphonic in a MAJOR way. The very same tubes w... 
el 34 vs kt 77
That's a whole different matter. Yes, I'm pretty sure they would slaughter any EL34s out there. But the new ones laid waste to all MY EL34s, so they're certainly worth a shot for anyone using this tube type. 
Felt Mats or ???
Just for the, er, record my platter is metal. Zinc, I believe. The TNT lost out to the Lenco some time ago.I'm not sure I'd try to clamp a graphite map (Boston Audio) because of its composition/fragility. But then I wouldn't try to clamp anything ... 
el 34 vs kt 77
I would highly recommend Jim McShane, but I haven't kept abreast of the prices and don't remember what mine cost, sorry. They're not cheap, except in comparison to the better Old Stock types. Dave 
el 34 vs kt 77
Goldeneraguy, sounds like those were the JJ KT77s instead of the Genalex/Gold Lion tubes. The JJs had a lot of QC problems, including thin pins, before they got their act together. I have some, and they aren't really in the same sonic league as th... 
Felt Mats or ???
Taking another stab at this, I do not use a clamp with the Mat 1. In fact, I haven't used a clamp since discovering that, for me at least, that silly paper-and-cork Ringmat sounded better on my VPI TNT Mk. II than the recommended mat-less platter ...