
Responses from dgad

12 inch Graham Phantom
Dertonarm,Longer isn't always better. Some have complained that it hurts. Some like it shorter, some like it thicker, some thinner, and some like it just the way it is. For each there is an optimum length, thickness. Basically we are looking for t... 
12 inch Graham Phantom
Is there a pill that can increase tonearm rigidity? I need it to last for as long as the music is playing. 
TW-Acustic Arm
Audioblazer,I think we are both hearing the same things. Your liking the Schroder on vocals makes sense. What is the Schroder 2 FW. I assume model 2 w. F wood??? F being? Love to get some more information on the REED which to me seems similar in m... 
12 inch Graham Phantom
It isn't the length that counts, it is how you set it up and use it. 
Accuphase C-27
Not sure what to make of the review. He loves it but goes on about the Accuphase Sound. I already have what is described w. my VTL 750s. Wouldn't want more of that. I guess it is system dependent. 
TW-Acustic Arm
Got a TW arm for a trial. Now granted I am a TW fan, but I have my biases. My tonearm/cartridge combination of reference has been (when it maintains its setup) the Schroder SQ and Titan i. It is just that good in my system. Mind you not the detail... 
Accuphase C-27
Looks interesting. What cartridges have you tried it with? 
Ortofon A90 or Air Tight PC-1
From my experience quite a few cartridge manufacturers have some duds out there. I have heard about this with the above brands and have experienced it with a few brands myself. Not difficult to assume that the TAS review got a bad sample. But....,... 
Koetsu owners cartridge set up ?
Do what sounds best. 1kOhm is what I used on an Urushi. But your own ears will be the best judge as all phono stages are different. 
Schroeder Reference Arm
IME you can have 2 identical cartridges in 2 identical tonearms with all parameters being the same. The chance of the sound being the same is very slight. Depending on the break in period, amount of warm up etc the exact same cartridge will sound ... 
Schroeder Reference Arm
I just don't get how one night of comparison at RMAF is going to tell anyone which arm is better. I do feel that Dan_ed's personal experience will be much more valid (especially for himself). But any cartridge I have ever setup (and a good setup t... 
Pure Vinyl/Amarra
That either is truly better is open for discussion. The ability to automatically adjust sample rate is the big value, but the sound is more subject to what sample rate you are using ,what DAC you are using and your computer configuration. I have b... 
Why three motors?
I have done the upgrade from Raven AC 1, to Raven 3 to BN. I found the difference between the AC 1 to 3 motors to be very subtle. I found the upgrade to the new motor controller to be much more audible and for the better. As far as the "science" b... 
Anyone heard the Kaiser Kawero's?
I heard the Kaiser speakers at RMAF a few years ago. One of my favorite rooms. Love that RAAL ribbon tweeter and the modified 845 amps. I forget what they were. Excellent. Highly recommended. I own Maxx 2s but would consider between the 2 all bein... 
Does "perfect alignment of cart" eliminate 100% ?
Nolitan,Another cause of inner groove distortion can be your motor. I have had a friend upgrade his motor and noticed an eliminatoin on IGD due to the upgrade. Speed stability issues are more apparent on the inner grooves.