
Responses from dgad

How critical is alignment error??
Tom, Well done. I am being lazy (actually playing w. my little one). But... depending on the headshell slots lengths maybe something can be done. I need to do some plug ins to the Comparator. 
Schröder Tonearm
Raul,Agreed! It is all about synergies. This I learned from you and then from experience. There are no absolutes in terms of system synergy. 
How critical is alignment error??
Rodman,Yes but he can plug in the deviation and check the change in distortion. He can even print a new protractor to compensate. A lot can be done. Remember effective length is a design element with a nominal figure. Take a look at an SME where t... 
Schröder Tonearm
Buddy - Frank aint my friend. I just like the sound. And yes I do have respect for some gifted designers. And others I don't but I keep my prejudices aside, something you can never do. I guess you are just better than all of us. Your ears are bett... 
Schröder Tonearm
Syntax,Don't get me going. You are way off on this. Most cartridges guide the arm. The ones with sticky bearings mess it up. And there are many to that effect. If you have nothing good to say (of course a fellow German designer who is not your fri... 
How critical is alignment error??
The error might not even be for the worse. Go to the vinyl engine website & enter the overhanf #s etc & calculate the distortion. I know I will get it on this site but HTA is not as important as VTA & Azimuth unless grossly off. But us... 
B&W 802 Diamond Stands
I put my 801N many many years ago on Sound Anchors. Helped a lot. I have a listening position about 12 feet away in a fairly large room. Bass did free up from the floor. This is the 801s though. Not the 802s. 
Tonearm choices
I am confused about your arm lift / arm clip comment. Sorry, but on that I don't agree. I do wish it had a locking arm rest. As for your VTA comment. Sorry, but get a cartridge that is a line contact or very fussy w. VTA and then you will wish you... 
Tonearm for TW Acustic and heavier cartridge
Put some nail polish as a marker on the VTA dial. That is what I did. Looks great and does the trick for easy repeats. 
Tonearm for TW Acustic and heavier cartridge
Suteetat,VTA on the fly on the Raven 10.5 is far easier than on the SME V (which does not have VTA on the fly). And as for comparing to many other arms, is by far the best VTA on the fly system I have ever used. As for the Koetsu Onyx. It is a bit... 
Krell Evolution or Pass XA.5 series
This is a very old thread of mine. Not as relevant as it was. I happen to find the Pass XA series to be excellent but the Krell EVO line very life like in speed and transparency. I never heard the Pass XA on medium efficiency speakers that go down... 
TW-Acustic Arm
TW Manual is available online. Nothing missing but if you want you can play with different counterweights (comes w. 3) for the best match with your cartridge. Sound is excellent. I particularly love the fit & finish, only missing the fine azim... 
What I learned on Audiogon This Year
That not reading A'gon forums makes my system sound better and I listen more. Reading A'gon makes my system sound worse and I listen less. Come to think of it, the same can be said for some other audio rags. 
TW-Acustic Raven AC3 latest version vs older
Dev,Too many questions will get you too many different answers. I owned a MSL cartridge and didn't love it long term. Goes to show your own listening will say more (hopefully) than anything I or anyone else will say. Part of getting "there" (audio... 
TW-Acustic Raven AC3 latest version vs older
Dev,Just sell your TW table and get the Black Night. You won't be happy till you get there. Ask 10 different people and you will get 10 different answers. So many of the changes are system dependent. But honestly some you will hear & some you ...