
Responses from dgad

Great Cartridge for Graham Phantom
Not 100% sure as nothing in the manual but it should handle from 6-12 gms. 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
Exlibris,Yes we are in the same boat. I was curious if there were others. It is nice not be alone. I feel a few others have gone this way as well. Horns are very complex to understand and the horn world has so many options. Also how to integrate b... 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
Exlibris,I heard the Cessaro Betas in Germany in a home system. They were slightly modified from standard using a Field Coil Midrange and TAD drivers for tweeter & super tweeter. Also folded horn TAD woofers. I think 4 drivers for the bass. Th... 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
Shadorne,Based on what you are saying (I am new to understanding horns) a long throw horn - front loaded - will be longer in length rather than wider? In the case of a very long Bass Horn that is front loaded (rather than a folded bass horn - I as... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
Duonri,Congratulations on your purchase.Re: the Power Cords & physicsI had a highly esteemed material science professor who was a big advocate of the use of interconnects & power cords. His specialty was electronics and cable use in aviati... 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
I would also be wary of horns with excessively high compression ratio - extreme high efficiency - as you will get harmonic distortion in the treble at higher SPLs. I would also avoid long throws (narrow dispersion) as this will make room/placemen... 
Aesthetix Calypso VS ARC Reference 3
Rwwear,I would be the first to agree with you. If you can't hear it, then don't spend the money. But... I find the change in sound w. power cords to be more profound than some CDP or interconnect changes. But if your system is revealing you will h... 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
Shadorne,Quite a few horn lovers I know also mentioned ATC. I want to give them a listen as well. Kana813,I read the review a short while ago. The reviewer mimics what I heard. That is why I posted the thread. I am curious how many others have exp... 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
Jsadurni,You are saying exactly what I experienced. What kind of speakers are you using? Do you feel the compression drivers are superior to the full range drivers as you explained above? I would love some more details. 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
I am curious what systems people had before and after a switch to horns. Or maybe in the reverse direction & why. Are you "happier" in the long run. I know it involves a major equipment change. Simplification in one way depending on direction.... 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
Dcstep,Have you listened to horns? I think you need to understand some of the physics related to horns to understand that there is a limitation to what a dynamic speaker can do compared to a horn. The mass of the driver is so much smaller than any... 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
Shadorne,You are right about the sweet spot being incredibly narrow. Within the sweet spot it is perfect but outside almost monoaural in sound. 
Change to Horns or stay Dynamic
I want greater low level resolution and reduced distortion. I think the increased speed of horns is nice, but the ability to resolve complex classical & play at loud volumes with little if any distortion or strain is unparraleled. Especially a... 
TW Raven Acustic AC Owners
Halcro,You sound like a broken record. Chill out on this already. How many times do we have to read it. 
TW Raven Acustic AC Owners
Halcro,Can you post your comments on any of the threads re: Suspensions & turntable Platforms etc. You have hijacked a few threads on a few forums in this direction. It would be a more appropriate location for your comments. I think the tone h...