
Responses from dgad

SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
I have compared a ZYX universe on the Schroder to a SME V and an Ikeda. I didn't try it on my Phantom. But... the ZYX performed its best to my ears on the Schroder. But I had to use the optional brass weight on my Schroder to increase the mass to ... 
Mbl 101 extemes.
Heard them in Munich. Not as impressed as the smaller ones. I think having the double stack tower limits the propogation of sound of the tweeter in some ways but not sure. 
Choice of turntable ,tone arm and cartridge
Fpooyandeh,Much of the advise you have been given is excellent. I happen to be a fan of TW Acustic Turntables. I think the Raven One w. an external motor and upgraded power supply will be your biggest value for the dollar. Having compared it w. th... 
Calling all VDH Colibri Fanatics and Experts ...
I myself am curious. A difficult cartridge to setup to say the least. 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
I am tempted but I made an interesting calculation. Used Maxx IIs will go for about 25K. The 40K difference in price is a ton of money. You can almost buy a 2nd hand pair of Alexandria for that much. While Wilson is a great speaker, no speaker doe... 
Information about Koetsu please ...
My Jade had a P before the serial number, so my guess the Onyx Platinum is w. a P before. 
Raven AC one motor
I am a big fan of the plain copper platter over most mats. I do prefer the Living Voice mystic mat over all other mats I have tried including the Boston Mat & Millenium but based on further listening tests, different mats can be used to "fine ... 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
David,I have compared them side by side and with the same cartridge. The Ortofon is a "steal" at the price. I bet most people will be hard pressed to hear the difference. I is audible but you need to pay attention to hear it. A great tonearm. 
Wilson Sophia II vs. Thiel CS3.7
Anyone saying the current generation of Wilson's are bright has not heard them set up correctly. Brightness is a factor of setup and partnering equipment. Listen to Wilsons w. tube equipment and the tweeter axis properly positioned for the listeni... 
Cleaning 45's on a VPI 16.5 - possible?
Just place a 33 record under it. It will work well enough. Another idea, is to cut a 33 to go around the 45. Easy enough to use an old record for the border. 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
On another note, does anyone know if the Phantom II will in fact be an improvement over the Phantom I or is it due to production problems w. the ceramic armwand that the new Phantom II is being produced. Will Titanium have the same resonance contr... 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
Timnaim,That is honestly not the case. Both are just as easy to find depending on when you are searching. The Triplanar had an update to a newer arm months ago and the new version is slightly lower in effective mass. Many Triplanars were sold then... 
SME V, Tri-Planar or Phantom B-44
I am running 3 arms on my TW and have listened to a few cartridges on the Phantom and moved my cartridges between my arms. It is all about arm / cartridge synergy. In that regard if the Lyra Argo is similar to the Titan I on the Phantom it will be... 
Which cables and ics allow the biggest soundstage?
I would suggest getting speaker cables where the positive & negative runs are separate. This improves soundstage width & imaging. I agree re: solid core above. 
correct zerostat technique
I was once told to hold the record in one hand, and the gun in the other while you are grounded with your feet on the floor (not carpet). Supposedly the static goes through your body to the ground. I never tried it as I am lazy and do it slowly as...