
Responses from dgad

the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?
Zieman,EMM is not unreliable, only gitchy in how it operates. It reads the disc in a very different way than most CD Players and as such the controls at times don't work instantly. But the machine always works, just sometimes you need to wait or e... 
Favorite Speakers at RMAF
Emailists,Comments on both under the Best Of section, RMAF thread. Buried in there. 
Wilson sophia fuse
Rhyno,Actually to DGarretson. But listening will tell all. 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
Jfrech,I wonder if I should take it as good or bad news. The change is very expensive and your words make it tempting to listen. If I listen then....., no I am staying away. Furthermore, can't they leave the Maxx II and add the Maxx III? How are t... 
Best of RMAF 2008
Atmasphere,I didn't catch it. I know a few record companies ready to release hi res files in the future. Lets see if it happens. From what I understand it will be download mostly. 
Best of RMAF 2008
Time to finish up. Got a lot of other things to do. Please don't use my experience to determine if something is good or bad. Use it to confirm an opinion of the room in question. Too many rooms, as the day wore on (especially day 3) my ears were g... 
Best of RMAF 2008
A link to pictures. All titled RMAF.http://www.internetpro.net/~gofigure/Enjoy. And thanks to Mosin for the space to support the pictures. 
Tubes for VTL 7.5
12AU7s also reduce the gain a little. I ended up upgrading the the MkII preamp instead. A nice step above the original. The 12AU7s are a little soft in the use in the original 7.5. 
Tubes for VTL 7.5
I used Mullards with great success. I also used 5751s which reduced the gain just a touch but also sounded great. I am a big fan of Siemens tubes as well. I am using their ECC801s in my amps. The Teles get too expensive at times. I did try a few o... 
Best of RMAF 2008
So I have been saving the best day for last. This is when everything sounded great. I had to start early to get as much in as possible. Many rooms would be packing up but 3-4 pm. I went into the Usher Room first. They had a great location. I wrote... 
The CDSAse is as good if not better than the separates. More natural in sound, with a smoother presentation. SACD is incredible and CD is just better than it was before. The one flaw that remains is a little dynamic softness and a slight smoothnes... 
Best of RMAF 2008
I am back. Day 2 Part 2 & the Marriot is the scene. So many rooms & no time. How do you really get to listen to it all. How do you prioritize. I basically ask others what did they hear that they like. I ended up getting stuck downstairs by... 
Best of RMAF 2008
I am up to day 2 of the RMAF show. I started at the Hyatt. The rooms on day 2 sounded much better than the rooms on day 1. Goes to show how equipment needs time to settle down. If any of you have done cable comparisons and you notice the system do... 
Album Storage
Rushton,Thanks. I will use by category which is how it is looking. Originally it was by most significant piece but I often end up looking for things this way. 
Album Storage
What do you do for Classical when you have multiple composers on a single LP/CD. For example, a collection of Marches or a Concert etc. I am currently reorganizing my LP collection for this reason.