
Responses from dgad

Xv-1s competative carts mention in latest TAS
I doubt it is the ZYX as it does not have the distribution through retailers to meet standards for a print magazine. I know many who love the PC-1. Of course there are a lot of amazing cartridges w. different flavors. 
YG Acoustic Kipods
I have heard good things about these. What is the retail price? I understand they are popular in the Far East. Speakers are so difficult to rotate. It must be worth the effort. 
Review: Wilson Audio X-2 Alexandria Speaker
Chris,If the X-2 is due in DEcember figure one year for the Maxx II. I am willing to put money on it. Call Wilson and find out. I wonder how they charge for the updates. The Maxx IIs are so much better and to enjoy them for a year. Wow!!!. Just do... 
TW Acoustic Raven owners
Anyone with updates? Any new arms, cartridges? 
Review: Wilson Audio X-2 Alexandria Speaker
I hope the Maxx II upgrade is field upgradeable as well. To ship them from Aruba will kill me. I know they didn't announce it but I bet a year later it will come. 
SME 20/2 & Graham Phantom issue
I have been analyzing the Phantom and the armrest position appears to effect the antiskate start point of the tonearm. So it does have an effect. I have 3 arms so I can use the either of my other 2 arms w. the Phantom armrest moved aside. I just n... 
SME 20/2 & Graham Phantom issue
I have a problem w. the AS weight hitting the outer ring if I use it. Jaeswei,I would love a picture of your setup to see what you did. Rlawry,I photo of the different base would be great. I know I am jumping in on the thread but curious as well. 
Best CD between EMM Labs & DCS
One interesting thing I read but i forget where is that upsampling CD players are better in different situations than non upsampling/oversampling CD players. But the same holds true in reverse for the alternate situation. What I find is that the E... 
Any Comparisons between VTL 7.5 & ARC Ref 3
Sabertouch. Not using special interconnects. The upgrade is much more extended in the highs. The 12AU7 is soft sounding in the 1st version. The bias is too low. You need to use the 12AX7 to get good dynamics & extension in bass. Also, the 2nd ... 
Any Comparisons between VTL 7.5 & ARC Ref 3
I just ran the VTL 7.5 mkII into & out of my Nordost Thor. The difference is subtle very very subtle. I can keep driving myself crazy or just listen to music. Contrary to Billbench's experiences with the MkI, the MkII does benefit a tiny bit f... 
Accuphase Dp100/101 vs DCS elgar/verdi
I heard the Scarlatti compared to Analogue at HE 2007. It wasn't bad but CD was still CD. I prefered the Zanden on CD. Granted show conditions etc. etc. But for that much money I expected more. One CD player that did impress me was the Audiomeca. ... 
New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones
What are Essence? I never heard of them. 
TW Acoustic Raven owners
Henry,I received my chip several months before you received your turntable. You have the latest chip 99%. 
New monoblocs for Maxx II, which ones
A friend of mine is using the big MBL amps and loves them. He can get almost anything and has tried a lot. I use the VTL MB750s. I agree that they have a similar sound to solid state amps he listed. I know someone who used the ASR as well and love... 
Koetsu cartridges - what arms work?
I have owned the Koetsu Urushi & now a Jade. I have owned or own a SME V, a mass loaded SME V, Schroder SQ, Ikeda 407 and have tried a few other arms. IME, the Koetsu loves mass. This means a very high mass arm which lends to the Ikeda. The Ba...