
Responses from dgad

Would Like To Hear From Strain Gauge Owners
The Strain Guage definitely has its supporters. I heard it only in several shows. I came away loving the Voice & finding the Strain Gauge more analytical like CD. I think it is an extremely accurate cartridge. Is it what you are looking for wi... 
Lyra Titan i and Olympos SL
Jonathan Carr once mentioned a Lyra Titan I SL. I know this exists in Mono. From what I understand this would surpass the Titan I but I tried to source one in Stereo to no avail. If that can be found it would be amazing. By the way, SL stands for ... 
Preference for separate phono stages?
Raul,The VTL amps are in fact synergistic w. the Maxx IIs which have a fairly benign impedance curve. I have had big SS amps that can go to to below 1 ohm and the performance was similar w. the VTL having a more life like sense of harmonics. I als... 
Wilson Audio MAXX series III
Jfrech,Stop it!!! You are making me jelous. But I am truly happy for you. Enjoy them. I assume you need some time. But detailed descriptions are wanted. Photos etc. 
Preference for separate phono stages?
Raul,I am a big believer in phono stage/ cartridge compatibility. For a simple example, the Ortofon SPU is designed to have a SUT in line. It sounds better this way. Also, your condemnation of the PC-1 earlier... could very well be reversed using ... 
Periphery Ring Clamp & Cartridge Compatibility?
No problems w. the RSR or Kenwood rings on any of the "smaller" body cartridges. The RSR is made of Aluminum (if I remember correctly) and is fairly light. It does not attract the cartridge. But w. low VTA any cartridge might be too low to clear t... 
Preference for separate phono stages?
I find it depends on the phono cartridge. In many cases a separate phono stage w. the obvious benefits will lead to some sonic advantages. In my case, this includes a purity of signal that readibly apparent. I think some from the Doshi crowd could... 
Gryphon Diablo or Accuphase E-450
I would also listen to the Luxman Integrated. I forget the model but it is the 30 Watt Class A. It is similar to Accuphase in looks and sounded wonderful driving Vivid Audio speakers in a very large room at RMAF. This room was thought by many to b... 
Wilson WP 7s and supertweeter
Thanks. Was always in flux but now too happy to change much. I wonder if the supertweeter can function as an ambiance tweeter as in the X-2s. Might be very cool. I am very against hissy highs tough. A ton of equipment is voiced as such these days. 
Wilson WP 7s and supertweeter
Stealth should be pretty good. Indra might be a little warmer in sound though. I am a Tara fan. A silver cable will definitely tilt up the highs. Not to my liking. 
Wilson WP 7s and supertweeter
A Berylium tweeter or a Ribbon or Scan Speak will have more air but for me all but a Ribbon sounds less natural. Also, your cables can be a big problem. What speaker cables & interconnects are you using? Lastly, this seems like a first so plea... 
Wilson WP 7s and supertweeter
Try adjusting the tilt of the head. Nothing wrong in trying but I doubt it will blend perfectly. 
the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?
Zieman,No problem w. the door. Krell is good stuff, but they have had thier SACD issues as well. There is tons of very good equipment there. It all comes down to taste & system synergy. 
the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?
Zieman,If you read the EMM documents on how it is programmed it explains that Meitner has done a few things that reduce functionality in terms of delays (about a 5-6 second delay from startup) but this is to improve sonics. Please show me what you... 
Tubes for VTL 7.5
Mtdking,I hope the 7.5 can handle the 12AT7 as it is setup for the 12AX7. You can use a 12AU7 but it changes the sound a little. But I would check w. VTL about the 12AT7. It might also be OK & sound amazing & just stick w. it.