
Responses from devilboy

Integrateds: $3K, $4.5K or $5K
Simao, to my ears, the Job has tremendous "air" around instruments, and is very transparent. Its low noise floor brings out subtle nuances from deep in the soundstage. It has the warmest, most believable midrange and most articulate and tightest b... 
Integrateds: $3K, $4.5K or $5K
Simao, forgive me for lacking a shred of eloquence or verbal dexterity while expressing my opinion regarding the OP's inquiry of amplification under his consideration.......whew.I was merely voicing my satisfaction of the Job line and while doing ... 
Metrum Hex vs Metrum Octave
I also have the Octave and have been wondering about how the Hex compares with the Octave regarding redbook digital. I have no hi-rez files so I'm only concerned with 44.1. Did u reread Srajan's review of the Hex? Its been a while for me. 
Integrateds: $3K, $4.5K or $5K
Screw integrateds. Get a Job 225 and their new preamp OR wait for their new integrated that's rumored to be in the works. Musical Fidelty?............pAlease. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Check out new pics on my "virtual systems". Finally stained my Mapleshade platforms and placed them in the rack under the Exactpower and Job. Moved some equipment around. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Joe, did you get my email with the three links? 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Well, with over 80 hours on the SR fuse in the Job I must say it definitely has taken an outstanding amplifier to another level. More air and transparency. More of a cleaner sound with lowering of the noise floor which is making even more informat... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Yes you did mention that Joe. Lol. If they weren't so expensive I would try them. I need two so I went with the SR. Yes,I'm having a lot of fun! Tomorrow is my last day of work then I'm off for 17 days! During that time, I have my new fuses and vi... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Alright, I know I said I'd wait but I have to chime in. I only have 15 hours on the Synergistic fuse but already, ALREADY I hear more air and more transparency. I feel as though the noise floor dropped even further because I hear more subtle nuanc... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Last night I put the Synergistic fuse in the 225. I will have the amp on for at least 50 hours, then switch the direction of the fuse and see which I prefer (if I can tell). Once that is determined I will place the Job on my Mapleshade system of I... 
Wyred 4 Sound STP SE and ST-1000
Jspar, I loved my Wyred Integrated. Then I purchased the Job 225 amplifier and it trumped the Wyred in every conceivable way. Do yourself a favor and give the Job 225 a try if you can. I think the price went up $200 to $1,700. I am not the only on... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Hi Joe, yeah if I didn't have the Bent I would jump on the preamp in a second. Who knows Joe, I may do it anyway just to compare and sell whichever I don't want. It's win/win for me because the Bent is a very desirable piece so I know I won't loos... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
I felt exactly the same immediately after my purchase of the 225 due to not owning a preamp. However, I was fortunate enough to have been blessed with a Bent TAP-X falling into my lap......for the second time. That said, I think I would love to ha... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Klh007, so did you get a chance to hear the Job driving the 3.7s and the Pendragons? I'm curious to know how it did with the Maggies. Also, because of the Job's incredibly high gain, I have a feeling the volume knob didn't go too high while drivin...