
Responses from devilboy

Best sounding integrated between $1500-$3000
I put a good power cord on a Wyred4Sound STI-500 and was VERY happy. Sounded like the benefits of tube & ss without the negatives of either, IMO.Bought used for $1,450. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
I was shopping for an integrated when I reluctantly bought the 225. I say reluctantly because I knew that meant going past my price range, not in amplification but in the additional preamp and interconnects I was now committing to. I'm excited abo... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
Sorry Bill_k. By the time I went to respond to this thread I forgot the rest of the pieces. Lol. On a similar note, I constantly see things related to audio in every day life. I'll look at a dinner plate at a certain angle and see a woofer in my m... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
I had a dream last night I was playing chess and all the chess pieces were miniature speakers. The queen was an Estelon speaker. The knight was a Wilson Sasha and the rook was a vintage quad ESL. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Hey, I just wanted to tell everyone that Ric Shultz from tweek audio dot com loves the Job 225 (calls it a giant killer), and he lists mods he provides to it. As I wright this, price has not been set. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Joe, Norman tells me both of you have your eyes on a passive for the Job. Keep us updated. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Thanks Wisnon. I emailed you. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
@ Wisnon: I had the LSA on my Job 225 for a little while. I thought the input Z of the Job might be borderline but it wasn't the case at all. The LSA sounded lovely with the Job. Complex orchestral passages played at high volumes didn't sound too ... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
It's only an issue if the preamp passes any DC. According to Srajan's review, some tube preamps could. If you put a passive preamp on the Job you might be better off. 
Best sounding integrated between $1500-$3000
Also, regarding what Mapman said, I had a Wyred integrated (STI-500) and loved it. Very non-transistor a good way. 
Best sounding integrated between $1500-$3000
Yesterday there was a Hegel 100 (I think), for sale. Retailed for $3,000. Going by word of mouth, it might be nice. Now, if Job releases an integrated........your search may be over. What are your power requirements, speakers, listening tastes/hab... 
Best cheap speaker cables............again
Everything is system-dependent. I had the Clear Days in my system and they were too bright. My buddy had the Grovers and in his system they colapsed the soundstage. What works wonders in one system is a negative in another. 
Audioquest cables: replace the DBS Battery pack.
Wow, nine years til the last post. Anyway, I was a Synergistic Research nut (ICs and speaker), for a while. Then I auditioned some Audioquests and I sold off my SR stuff. The AQs were superior in practically every way. I'm lucky to have found them. 
Best cheap speaker cables............again
Regarding what Nkbg said about the Crimsons, I also think they're the right system. I've owned a completed loom of Crimson cables: speaker, RCA and XLR for years, and they did sound amazing. Gave a nice warm, rich, organic and natura... 
Worlds best DAC
Once again Bill, very insightful and informative post.